Hi, really need help. I’m disimpacting my 8 year old. This is our 3rd disimpaction and we are on 12 sachets for the 5Th day now. We had 2 very watery poos then it went to stool type 6/7. Poos are now explosive but a bit of stool type 6 now. I don’t want to reduce yet as I want to get it right. She did however have 2 good watery stool. What shall I do??
How do I know I’ve disimpacted correctly?: Hi, really... - ERIC
How do I know I’ve disimpacted correctly?

Keep going until you have had 3 consecutive days of rusty water looking poo, then start to reduce the doses very slowly i.e. 12,12,12,11,11,11,10,10,10 and so on until you reach a suitable maintenance dose.
I am in the same position right now too... this is our 3rd disimpaction since Christmas and I have a feeling we didn’t quite go far enough the first two times!
My daughter has been on the maximum dose for the last 4/5 days and have had a few more substantial poos but most of them are watery and explosive! We had corn on the cob last night and it was in her poo this morning, so I’m planning to give it one more day at maximum and get all the ‘grit and pebbles’ out and then slowly reduce.
It’s such a fine balance! Good luck!
I rang the doctors and they told me to start reducing now. I’m so scared I’ve done it wrong again. I gave her 12 sachets for 6 days now. After couple of days Of explosive poo it went to type 6/7 on the Bristol stool chart. I hope we are going the right direction!
It’s not necessary the consistency but also look out for any ‘gritty bits’ in it... if you can just seen nice smooth poo then she may be alright to reduce slowly.
The problem with the poo soup stage (6 on the Bristol scale) is that if there’s still backed up poo still lodged in there, it just covers in that and makes it worse - I think that’s what I did last time and the soiling just didn’t stop. In fact it got worse.
How many have they told you to reduce to? 10 or half the highest dosage?
She’s had lots of bits recently in the poo. I’ve been told by the doctor to reduce from 12 yesterday and 10 today and 10 tomorrow. Then 8 and 8 etc
Another doctor said to me go down straight to 2 sachets and play with 2-4
Another person said reduce 12,12,12,10,10,10 etc
So confusing ..:: doctors said too Much laxitives can make the child dehydrated. I’m trying to encourage to drink water but she just about drinks all this movical! Xxx
Yeah confusing - I’d say take it down to 10 for a few days and if she’s still got really lumpy poo ( like they look like grit and pebbles not soft bits) then you could always take it slowly back up again.
I personally wouldn’t take it down too quickly otherwise you might be back a stage one again very quickly.
I’ve been in the maximum for quite a few days now and she seems to be more watery and the kernels of corn she ate on Monday so planning to reduce it tomorrow! Fingers crossed!
Does she like lollies or something - perhaps you could up her drinking by a watered down juice mixture - in this weather that might go down well!
That’s a good idea. I will need to get those ice molds. Let me know how you get on. Tomorrow I’m reducing to 10 sachets and then 8. I’ve had her on 12
Sachets for 5 days now. We had the watery stage, mush , gritty and rusty. It’s giving her bad stomachs with 12 sachets aswell. Let’s see ....
Hi, we are on day 14 at 12 sachets and really unsure whether to start reducing. It's so hard to know, and conflicting advice from GPs is tough. The poo nurses have a really good video and they talk about reducing once the poo has reached the watery phase.
We have mostly water but tiny bits, almost like slightly flakes of dried oats. Does that make sense? We've have seen this for several days now and we're thinking about starting to reduce in a day or two. Yesterday, he felt the urge to poo, which is awesome, although in our experience, not always reliable.
It's so hard to know exactly when disimpaction has finished. I feel your pain!
Yes we’ve had similar - really gritty dry bits in water... I started to reduce yesterday but I’m sticking with a high dose for the next few days to make sure.
Funnily enough my daughter has got more on the toilet in this disimpaction than she had the previous month when she was soiling. I wondered if she was starting to feel the urge to go or whether she was feeling the urge to urinate and got the signals mixed up! Either way it’s good I just hope this flushed her out properly this time.
How the disimpaction worked?!!
We are still reducing. We will be on 9 sachets tomorrow. We're reducing by one sachet every 3 days. Today my son did say he needed a poo- that rarely happens. I'll keep you posted!!
That’s great. See if you can take him for a poo 20 mins After breakfast, lunch etc
That helped us a lot
We've been doing 'toilet time' after each meal in the hope it will start a routine. This has always helped us in the past. It can be hard to sustain at times. We're using a lot of bribery haha! I hope we won't have to do this forever with him!
We had 2 days of watery poo, like explosive poos with bits. Never heard of rusty tea stage and no doctors have suggested this to me.
Can you call the doctors and ask for some help? Yes I totally understand. Yes we had the same after couple of days on 12 sachets. Like type 6 and 7 on the Bristol stool chart?
Hi, I’m following for my own son who is currently disimpacting. We’ve had water then sludge then water with bits in. Can I ask where you are up to now? Thanks
Do you think there is improvement?