So as per my previous posts we put my 4 year a old back in pullups as she simply wasn't getting the hang of going for a poo on the toilet/potty. She isn't constipated as she regularly goes but she simply doesn't seem to know when she has been or is needing to go, it was making her extremly distressed messing her knickers so we put her in pullups. We had a brief spell when we was on holiday she wore a nappy but as soon as we was back we reverted to pullups again. The last week or so she has been having wet pullups during the day, we have spoken to her and she has assured us she isn't being lazy. We are getting through triple the amount of pullups as she hates being wet and will ask straight away after her accident to be changed. Today the DRs ruled out any infection. I was concidering putting her back in a nappy as we are spending a fortune on pullups. I know from our holiday trip,she will,ask to go to the toilet, She is still in night nappies as pullups just we're not good enough for her big wee's so I'm thinking if she does have a day accident she might not need changing straight away as her nappy seems more absorbant.
Would it be wrong and lazy of me to put her in nappies full time until we knock the day wetting on the head?