Ok, I win the award for the worst mum As a final resort I've put my 4yo back in nappies. He is lazy and refuses the potty and thinks it is funny to wet himself so it's nappies again for a while. I've been considering them for a while and today got some unused terry squares at a bargain price so I decided to try them. I do feel bad seeing him in a proper nappy but at least his clothes and my carpet should stay dry
Back to nappies: Ok, I win the award for the worst mum... - ERIC
Back to nappies

Oh no… I think I took the world's worst mum crown when I yelled 'what is wrong with you??' at my then three year old who wet herself less than a minute after getting off the potty… now diagnosed with an overactive bladder and chronic constipation. In my defence, I did have a fairly newborn baby and hadn't slept for weeks, and it was accident number 19 of the day… but still, my worst parenting moment!
Given what you describe this sounds like a practical step just to have a break from it all if nothing else. What's your story been since you first attempted potty training? Have you spoken to any health professionals? Tell us all about it and we might have some ideas between us to help. We promise not to suggest a reward chart!!!
Hi, he refuses the potty and will happily wet his pants 2mins later and think it is funny. I'd been considering putting him back in nappies for a while but it seemed a step back and disposables are expensive. I put him in terry nappies yesterday for the first time, they are a pain to put on but it has been a lot easier for the last couple of days
How often does he wet? When he does wet is it a big wee or little? What are his poos like? Does he poo on the potty? Although he might be behaving like he finds it funny, it could be that he doesn’t have control. Sometimes children refusing the potty can be because they genuinely can’t feel that they need to go, are scared of it, or because they think if they move to the potty they will have an accident so try to resist it. Have you spoken to any health visitors or your GP about it?
He wets heavily, the GP says nothing is wrong and he is just late training. To be honest I'd rather just keep a nappy on for a while longer then try the potty later.
I feel your pain. Considering going back to nappies for my 4 year old. Shes withholding and having frequent accidents. I just dont know whats for the best!! Good luck.