Hi there, we are new to the site. I have a 12 year old son who is still not dry at night. We sought Drs advice years ago and was prescribed desmopressin nasal spray for years followed by the syrup followed by the tabs, we then tried an alarm. We have seen the local nursing enuresis team who sadly said there’s nothing more they can do. We have seen a consultant who prescribed movicol as a magical cure but we are still not seeing an improvement. It’s got to the point where it’s now holding my son back from participating in certain things such as school trips and his peers are beginning to notice him frequently going to the toilet and his refusal of school trips. Tonight he is very upset as he been given the opportunity to go on a residential trip and he feels he can’t go. Desmo doesn’t seem to work for him and continence pants (I buy the boots ladies size small occasionally if we are staying over somewhere) will show through his pyjamas.
Any help or advice would be so greatly appreciated here. If anyone can recommend some continence washable pants which aren’t too bulky this would also be greatly appreciated too.