Hi everyone I have just joined this community after noticing it mentioned on the ERIC website. I'm struggling to manage with my son's bowel issues and don't know where to turn now. Sorry if this post ends up lengthy!
So my son is 4 and a half years old now and has struggled with constipation since he was 6 months old. As soon as I started weaning him our problems began! He had occasional constipation initially that I managed with fluids and diet until eventually it became a constant problem and I went to the GP. He started on lactulose as and when needed until eventually he had to take it continuously. This helped until he was approx 2 years old then it just seemed to stop working and he was changed onto movicol. Not long after this change he appeared to need it less and less until eventually he was managing fine without it. Just after he turned 3 I potty trained him and he mastered poos on the potty before wee. He was constipation free for around 10 months.
Fast forward to around a year ago and problems returned in a different form. As a baby he would visibly strain and cry from the pain of being unable to pass a bowel movement but now the visible symptom is soiled pants. Initially just a few marks in his pants and so he went back on the movicol. However I cannot get the dose right, one a day makes no odds (after a high dose to clear blockage) and 2 a day makes him so loose he cannot control it at all. He doesn't visibly struggle but he doesn't go regularly at all.
The current situation is he started school in September and at the moment the problem is the worst it's been for years. He soils several times a week, often what seems like a whole bowel movement. Usually at school but does happen at home too. Every day he comes out of school with a bag of soiled clothes it breaks my heart. I worry they think I've just not potty trained him and I assume they don't particularly like having to clean him up most days. It's like he literally cannot feel anything until the motion is already out. I'm at a loss and don't know what to do next. Thanks for reading if you got this far!