DD is almost 5 and has suffered with constipation/withholding/soiling for literally forever. We did a disimpaction at the start of the summer holidays and seemed to make progress. Then we went on holiday so the routine was all different and may have missed giving movicol on the odd occasion. DD then started full-time school and is withholding more than ever and has only had one soiling in the 6 weeks she has been at school, the rest of the time she is doing it in her knickers once she gets home!
ERIC suggested doing another disimpaction which we are currently doing, we are on 10 sachets of movicol daily at the moment, she had signs of very soft poo (6? on Bristol chart) so we thought that the watery poo would follow shortly but now we have gone back to more of a 5 on the chart despite continuing with 10 sachets! Does that mean the disimpaction is complete or do we need to still keep on going? We never had this last time, so Im a bit confused!