My child only soils at nursery ... because she is a 'partial witholder' who can squeeze, but won't outside the house after reminding and TLC. She gets the sensations but has no instinct in terms of behaviour because she used to withold all the time, so her brain doesn't naturally think "go", she says "I have a poo poo feeling" and I have to say "go and poo then!". She often does what is clearly just enough to reduce urgency but at home I just get her to try a little later and it adds up to a whole one daily.
Hence, at nursery she would soil often. It was really bad at the start of term.
But yesterday, she had an accident and a very trusted/familiar nursery worker whipped out a potty and asked her to try to avoid more mess by using it.
Really, really hoping this is not a one off. They might need to remind her every hour to try, but even if she does that (which is more or less what we do at home) she will avoid many messes.