ed what is the best drug to take I have tried all this pills that you buy on ebay and other site
ed: ed what is the best drug to take I... - Erectile Dysfunct...
There is nothing that will be truly effective that you can find on eBay or most places on line. You really need to be seeing a doctor as the reasons for ED are many, some benign and some not so. If it is drug treatable, a doctor can diagnose the problem and will perhaps prescribe one of the several drugs like Viagra or Cialis. Both firms offer a free 30 day supply to start (your doctor might even have some sample packs). Each of the drugs in that family works slightly differently; which works best for you is highly individual. All of these drugs are atrociously overpriced and rarely covered by insurance; once you find what works for you you should be able to find them at reasonable prices from international sources.
Cialis you can get it on-line from Superdrug