I had 3 faintings in the last 2 years. The first time in my life that I ever faint, I am very healthy and only use HRT because I am in my Menopause. All three times I fainted, I first get a strong feeling of DEJAVU, then I pass out for about 30 seconds and when I wake up I feel a bit confussed. My Gp diagnosed me in December 2012 as a epileptic and prescribed Rivotril. I only took it for 3 weeks and went back to him because I realy felt very sick on that. He then put me on Lamotrigine, which I haven't started because I have a appointment with a Neurologist on the 13th Of Feb. He will do a EEG then and I am worried that if I start the medication that the results wouln't be correct, am I doing the right thing not taking the Lamotrigine?
Am I Epileptic?: I had 3 faintings in... - Epilepsy South Af...
Am I Epileptic?
Thank you for your blog. My reaction would be to wait until you have seen the Neurologist on 13th February, 2013, and also until you have had your EEG. Once proper diagnosis has been made, the Neurologist will put you on the medication he/she feels is right for you. If you aren't sure, then contact the Neurologist direct, advise the situation and ask for their advice. The Neurologist is only a phone call away! Good luck with the EEG and keep us posted on your progress!
One would suggest that you wait for the EEG results which may give a better and clear diagnosis.
Having said this, please communicate your decision to your GP.
It is very important to never stop medication without consulting with your dr/neurologist. Please keep us updated after you visited the neurologist today.
Good day everybody,
I just want to let you know that I saw Dr, Shamley the Neurologist today. After the EEG he said I do have Left Temporal Epilepsy, he refered me for a Scan also in 3 weeks time because he is a bit concerned that I developed Epilepsy at 52. I asked him if it could be something else and he said he don't think so but rather make sure with the Scan.
He did prescribe the Lamotrigine starting with 25mg per day for the first week and the increasing it weekly and 2 weekly until Im on 200mg in 6 months.
So guys Im starting it tonigh! Bye Bye my glass of white wine now and then ........
Thank you for all your comments and I will keep you posted on how its going from here.