It had been a good couple of months. I was on my way to a year seizure free when the accident happened. The same day as when I saw my neurologist another car drove into us and my shoulder was hurt. But it didn't matter as no attack happened. 2 weeks later my 7 month streak was broken. The stress was just too much. My doc had moved up my meds to 200mg, twice a day. But besides that episode, everything went well again. Until this past Tuesday when I had another attack. I am still in pain and want to scream and cry. I saw my doctor in passing and he told me that he will have his secretary contact me as he thinks my meds need to be upped again. I accept this as I know my levels aren't correct and the pills will help me not have another attack.
My mom doesn't really accept that I have epilepsy. She will feel sad when I have an attack and kind of not acknowledge it much the rest of the time. Whenever I tell my mom that doc wants to up my meds she can't understand why. And I don't know how to explain it in such a way that she would understand.
Any advice?