We have just completed the editing process of Epinews, our bi-annual magazine with personal stories of people with epilepsy... Contact Epilepsy South Africa and request your name be added to the mailing list! You will love the issues!
EPINEWS!: We have just completed the... - Epilepsy South Af...
It would really be nice if an epileptic centre in each province can be opened even if attached to the public hospitals as there are so many empty property in government hospitals for day visitors and permanent stays .Perhaps their stays could be paid by their SASSA DISABILITY fund. Also very importantly to see neurologists pschycologists psychologists etc
There's few neurologists, psychologists etc. now in South Africa and SASSA would never support or pay for them... It was a fight for me just to be granted a Disability grant, never mind anything else. If you feel deeply about this perhaps send your thoughts to Epilepsy South Africa.
It took me 3 years to get the grant approved. Presently attending a mental health care government clinic.But the I'll treatment is worse than of an animal.Your situation deteriotes and all they can say it' is part of the illness. No Eeg no Ecg nothing not even taking of blood pressure or pulse considering I have low blood pressure.One puts in complaints to the Matron and it goes to deaf ears you the problem not the nurses who I don't even mental health care nurses as they don't even no certain terms of reasoning for medication. Let alone the times them being out of stock of medication yet it is chronic medication where by they can draw from hospital pharmacy. One feels better @ home and alone .Going to the clinic is a royal nightmare agravation and frustration which upsets you more
I understand the feeling well... My grant also took years for approval. Once set up, every year it had to be renewed; back down on the pavement queuing up from 4.00 a.m. during the process. Weeks and weeks of returning with paperwork, come back tomorrow was always the saying. I spent my life at Government Hospitals, visiting month after month and still not coming home with correct medication if any... In the end, I almost gave up.
That is great news , we need this in Canada . There are many afflicted with this condition and because of the negativity associated with being an epileptic many people tend not to come forward.
Thank you Elsie... surely there must be an organisation that could put one together for those with epilepsy?