Can anyone advise me if I can find out ab... - Endometriosis UK

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Can anyone advise me if I can find out about different medication than what I am taking? Cause my gp & hospital are of no help at all.

Summer5678 profile image
6 Replies

I take on a daily basis, 90mg of MST, 10ml of Orah morph every two hours, diclofenac 4times a day, cyclizine 3times a day and paracetamol every 4hours. Can anyone tell me what else I can do cause none of it is touching the pain and the hospital just tell me to keep going or up my medication, had to give up work now and starting to become very depressed. Help please! No idea where I can turn to now.

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6 Replies
roann profile image

i know what you are talking about with the pills but really i would advice you to seek other assistance than pills..they really don't work and have a lot of side effects

Impatient profile image

That's a really heavy lot of meds, and as roann said, you need to be pushing your surgeon to find a surgical way to remove or reduce what's causing you that much daily pain.

Or other treatments besides just spending all day in a drugged up state.

There is no need to be on that many different pain killers each and every day. If you have the right pain medication regime then you should be on one or other of them and alternate every few days to avoid becoming addicted.

They are not meant to be taken all at the same time all the time, but used instead of each other.

If you're on oramorph you shouldn't need diclofenac, if on diclofenac shouldn't need paracetamol etc.

Use a lower strength pain killer for less painful days, not all at the same time.

It's rather terrifying that you are on that many drugs each day.

What surgery has been done so far? What was the diagnosis of the surgery?

are you under the care of one of the accreddited UK endo centres

lists them all.

If not, then I would suggest you ask your GP for a referral to one of these centres and get seen to by any specialist surgeons that can offer you some better way out of being in that much pain.

Your poor liver and kidneys must be straining to work with that cocktail going in every day.

You certainly do need a drug review.

Possibly a referal to a pain clinic might offer you something you can do besides medicating.

What is the nature of your pain? Where is it located as far as you can tell?

chronic pain is just so debilitating, but being on that regime of drugs is not at all good for you on a long term basis either. You must push push push to get investigated for the causes of your pain and have it tackled properly.

Iona_Roberts profile image

That's a lot of medication! Can you discuss your pain management with your gp? Ask him/her for a referral to a pain clunic, discuss other ways of managing your pain, have a look at Endometriosis Uk's page on treatment, here's the link

I know how difficult it must be for you at the moment but being on these medication long term is not good for you. Good luck, thinking of you.

Abbs profile image

Omg you are on a lot of strong stuffs mst 90mg is a lot I really feel sorry for your pain. Since you are already on these strong opiates and not helping fentanyl patch is your only hope it's a painkiller patch that gives you continuos painkiller every hours for 3 days until you change it. It's the only thing both my gyn and haematologist recommended for me and I have been on it for a year now and it made my endo pain non existent. You might have to fight hard to get it cos its used for pains like cancer and only few doctors will accept to give it out but I have the support of great haematologist in the world. Good luck ps you will need oramorph as break through pain so don't let you doctor convince you to give up all of your painkiller in exchange for fentanyl since you already on high stuff you might want to beg the doctor to start you on 50 micrograms instead of 25 micrograms which is the lowest dose. Mine was started on 25 micrograms it didn't work for d first 3 days I went back it was changed to 50 now the maximum dose am on is 75 but since my endo is quiet am back to 50. Pain is the worst enemy of a body

Lillil profile image


Poor you, you really are on a lot of meds and need a review as long term that is not good for you physically or mentally and your body is likely to be becoming addicted to them making them less effective.

You definately need referring to a pain management clinic via your gp but that can take some months, so in the mean time visit somewhere like boots who will give you a free medicine consultation.

Like the others have mentioned, why are you in so much pain? Is it because your body has got used to the drugs? You are on the wrong ones or need another lap?

I think you need an urgent gynae appointment to help assess this.

If you get really stuck, visit a and e.

As a nurse I can tell you you should follow the analgesic ladder principle. That is start with the most basic analgesic such as paracetamol, build up to non steroidal anti inflammatories such as ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, mefanamic acid, diclocenac/volterol (only take one of these at a time) then build up to opiates, codeine morphine etc. its important when taking opiates that you take the other drugs on the steps underneath as well for the opiates for the opiates to be most effective (unless a medical reason not too). They all have different jobs, work in different ways to compliment each other. By using this approach you opiate spare which means your body won't require as much opiate. Side effects of opiates include addiction and constipation. Both very unhelpful in endo so important to spare as much as possible. Also if too much opiate is built up in your body it is wasted leading to more side effects such as severe nausea which in turn makes your body less likely to be able to deal with the pain. You may find slightly less opiate or in deed a difderent form than oramorph which has a short half life (meaning its effectiveness is short lived before another dose is required) is more effective. Eg for me i find when my pain is really bad taking 30mg codeine with 500mg tramadol works better than taking 60mg codiene and no tramadol as i get less nausea and less constipated.

I agree with Abs something like fentanyl may be more effective with less side effects for you.

Good luck. You will get there, it really isn't in your head, you could be feeling much better than you are with better medicine management. Im sorry your gp is being so useless but dont give up there are people out there who can help you xxx

Lillil profile image

Ps depending on dose diclofenac should only be taken 3 times a day and can cause stomach ulcers if taken too much without protection of something like omeprazole and again depending on dose paracetamol only 4 times a day.

Have you tried heat bags they help a lot more than meds for me sometimes and also i wouldnt be without my tens machine it really reduced the amount of meds i was takingxxx

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