Do not have a period. Simple. Each bleed awakens the Endo and leaves scars. Endo are blood pockets that bleed alongside each period we have. I'm 37 and have no children - as yet. I would like to have children, but my periods over the last 20 years have left my uterous/womb scarred very badly. Had I stopped my periods earlier in my life, my uterous/womb would be in a better condition to carry a child. An egg needs a soft surface to bury itself in, not a rigid one. Unfortunately,
I wasn't diagnosed until Sep 2012 despite complaining to my doctors since my teens. When diagnosed last year, even at that late stage I wasn't told that my periods were causing me more damage. I read about it on You Tube just before I had a laparascopic op in November 2012!
I put up this message so that our young ladies who have been lucky enough to have been diagnosed early, can take heed. I had no-one to tell me in my late teens and 20s that my periods were making my condition worse. My doctors told me I was just unlucky to suffer from such bad period pain. I had the choice to be a mother throughout my 20s but I wanted to wait. Had I known about my health issue, I would have had a child at 27/28, prior to 30 anyway as I was in a stable relationship at that time.
Please note though, we are all very different. I have severe Endo with bits and bobs stuck in places. Whatever pain you feel, make sure your doctors know about it and can act on it sooner rather than later. Make them listen. Only you can feel what you feel.