Fatigue...........: Omg I'm soooo tired all... - Endometriosis UK

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Duckybun profile image
8 Replies

Omg I'm soooo tired all the Fing time! I'm so fed up of people suggesting I just need a good nights sleep... I sleep 12 hours a night! And then have a nap in the evening! Has anyone got any suggestions for how to get my mojo back? I'm on the endo diet religiously, take iron tablets, mega EPA oils, b vit complex, an assortment of other supplements and am on the pill back got back to try to control my heavy bleeds but I'm still pooped all the time. I wake up in the morning when my dh gets up to go to work, murmur something along the lines of I love you, and fall back asleep, wake up a couple of hours later and then take a further hour to gather the energy to actually get up, urghhh I feel so heavy and bone tired all day long. I know fatigue is a symptom of endo and I have stage 4 but this seems extreme, if I sleep anymore ill spend the rest of my life in bed and not in a Yoko Ono doing something postive for peace kinda way! Any suggestions?

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Duckybun profile image
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8 Replies
Dixie22 profile image

I don't have any suggestions I'm afraid but I can totally sympathise. I was exactly the same last year, I'm not quite sure how I got through it to be honest! Then I had a lap where a lot of the adhesions around my ovaries and uterus were removed and the one thing I found was that it did help with the fatigue. I'm still tired but not half as tired as I was!

Hope someone comes along soon with some suggestions for you.

Take care

tinker1234 profile image

Hi there

I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering so much. I can also sympathise, the fatigue is a nightmare isn't it. As with you Dixie I had a lap last year which has helped a bit, but I still suffer with it and find that I am always tired and struggle to get through the day. It doesn't help when people say things like, 'how can you be tired, you were in bed for 10 hours last night!'. It's hard to explain to people, it can be a real physical tiredness can't it.

I'm afraid that I don't have any suggestions either, it sounds like you are doing all the right things to try to help yourself. Have you had any tests though (anaemia / thyroid)? Just wondering if there is something else going on too that's contributing to it (not that you want something else to deal with!).

I don't know if it will help at all, but I am going on a mindfulness course in a few months time. I have heard good things about these courses, so hoping it will help me to keep calm when people say stupid things at the very least!

Sorry that I can't offer any other advice, but I hope that knowing you are not alone helps a little bit.


Hi Duckybun.

I also had the exact tiredness you describe. I have had Endo for 20+ and currently I am not having any treatment. (I was told a total hysterectomy is the next step).

After seeing my GP and having blood tests, which all came back normal, my doctor asked me if I could be depressed. Initially I thought this was nonsense! But i agreed to a course of anti depressants. The change in me has been very noticeable. I am more motivated and the tiredness is much more manageable and less extreme

I am not suggesting that your fatigue is due to depression but it may be worth considering talking to your GP about.

Best wishes.


mel-maelo profile image

Hi there, just wondering if you have had your vitamin D levels checked as this can lead to many issues one being extreme fatigue.


komeara profile image

Hi Duckybun,

You might remember from my first post which you offered some great advice on that I'm still waiting to be diagnosed but on reading posts here I've also started the endo diet, although I'm still struggling with cutting out dairy entirely, I thought it couldn't do any harm to try.

Whatever is going on with me I don't know, but I've also really struggled with the fatigue and combining that with painkillers knocking me out (I'm a real lightweight), I feel shattered all the time but in addition to the diet change I'm going to start taking supplements.

In someways I'm lucky because I work for myself but in others it makes me feel like a total letdown because I'm shattered most of the day and do about 1/3rd of what I used to and I hate it.

I try to get out and about for some exercise daily around lunchtime, even if it's just a walk to the park or a bit of exercise there if I'm not having a particularly bad bout of discomfort, but I find the fresh air sort of perks me up a bit for the afternoon even if it's just an hour or so before I'm shattered again.


prissi profile image

Hi Duckybun,

I can understand what you are going through as I am going through the same thing, now I have done my blood tests again and found out that I am suffering from hypothyroid (apparently it has to do with the endo). Also been to a professional nutritionist to help me out but looks like being tired is due to the thyroid. Nutritionist advised me to exercise (what a joke). Now I am going to try some "anti-oxidizing"?! tablets to see how it goes. Will keep you updates :-)

Take care x x

Duckybun profile image

Hi ladies, thank you for all your replies, massive hugs for the support xx

Dixie and tinker, I actually had a lap last November to remove a major plaque of endo, the surgeon told me he took out a dinner plate sized piece of tissue which was 25mm thick! Urghh! I saw him a couple if weeks ago and he said I still haven't healed internally yet, which probably hasn't helped with feeli better!

Prissi, I've just had my thyroid checked and all my levels are actually really good so that counts that out! I love the exercise advise! I love going tothe gym but when I have my period there's no chance, and after my last heavy period, which still hasn really stopped (?) my endo pain started cranking up a good few days before I started bleeding so I've been out of the gym routine for a good couple of weeks, when I'm feeling ok and pain free I can manage going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week.... But then endo sticks its oar in and that all goes ou the window.

Komeara, I'm self employed too! It's a blessing and a curse, I now haven worked for over 2 months since my surgery, and its hard to get back into the self motivating mind set. I'm starting cognitive behavioural therapy ina couple of weeks which will hopefully help.

Mel, I asked my gp to check my vit d levels but she wouldn't (?!) so I'm going to start taking vit d supplements anyway :)



pamsbl profile image

I empathize. it could be hypothyroidism and/ or adrenal fatigue. I've struggled with chronic fatigue for many years. I am hypothyroid but they have never gotten the meds right for me to feel optimal. The endocrinologist I have just started seeing did an ultrasound of my thyroid and tested my antibodies. Antibodies were very high at 856. So definite diagnosis of Hashimotos, an autoimmune disease where my body is attacking my thyroid. Conventional doctors don't treat the autoimmunity. But I am trying to go gluten free, sugar free, and reduce dairy. He agreed to put me on Armour Thyroid (I had been on compounded T4/T3 for 5 years or more without any change in dosage) and I may be feeling a tad more energy. Also I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with adrenal fatigue but current endo doesn't believe in such a thing. Would like to get tested for that again. My cortisol used to be too high in the morning and at night. I can still sleep for 10-12 hours plus take a long afternoon nap and still not feel rested. I retired 2 years ago because I just didn't have the energy to go on. If you have your thyroid tested ask for Free T3 and Free T4 as well as TSH. Just because your scores are good doesn't mean you aren't hypothyroid. You need a really good doctor to tweak meds for you for thyroid/adrenal until you feel more energy. Also you have to be your own advocate and get information on thyroid and adrenal fatigue, most conventional doctors are behind the times on the latest research and treatments for these. Also, have your blood sugar tested. I am type 2 diabetic.

Try to find ways to relieve stress- meditate (I listen to free meditation videos on YouTube, listen to music, take Epsom salt baths(ups your magnesium level), do things you enjoy and be witch people who make you laugh, walking in nature/sun/beach, etc). Also, food is medicine. Eat nutritionally dense clean whole foods, organic is best. Facebook blogs, Hashimotos 411 & Hypothyroid Mom are great support groups for people with fatigue issues. Others in same boat always throwing out new ideas. There is so much research online that I continue to try to wade through. I wish you success in your journey toward improved health and energy. You are not alone.q

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