How long did people have off work after f... - Endometriosis UK

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How long did people have off work after first Lap? I know it varies but i need to give them a ballpark figure. Thanks.

lexharr profile image
10 Replies
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lexharr profile image
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10 Replies
yorkshiredancer profile image

i had a week, with mine, but, my job has a lot of bending and lifting i was given a sick note for 2 weeks and told to come back if i needed longer. I was ok to work after a week even tho stitches were pulling a bit. Everyone is different though! I expect it will depend on what they find and how much of it they treat. Good luck x

ginag26 profile image

I had 2 and a half weeks off work after my first lap but when I had the 2nd to remove endo I had 4 weeks, I'm a nanny so I needed to make sure I was fully fit and I agree it does depend on the person their job and what the doctors do xx

lexharr profile image

Thank you, I've taken a week and hope that will be enough as cant afford more but work in a primary school, some tricky children and 4 flights of stairs between my room and the bathroom! Ugh should be fun!

jalo69 profile image

Hi Lexharr i work in a primary school also and after having my first operation it took me a whole half term. However i did have a laparotomy an ovary and fallopian removedplus all the lasering of lesions and endo. Dont forget you have to heel on the inside. Tricky children as we know can be whirlwinds not what you need right now. Listen to your body if you go back too soon you could damage yourself more and have even longer off. Good luck J x

lexharr profile image

Oh wow that sound hard, Im only having the lap and possibly laser excision so fingers crossed it won't be that whole time, luckily it will only be a 4 week half term as I have the lap the first day back! Thank you!

blackburnlass profile image

I am a primary school teacher and was off a week. I understand why you cannot have time off. We are only allowed 15 days off sick before proceedings are taken against you. I did go back for two days but got a stomach bug you may find you are prone to catching bugs for a little while. Hope it goes well.

Hi there I had 12 weeks off with first one as I had a lot of complications culminating in a second op 2 hours later and 14 pints of blood. Second lap 7 months later walk in the park. I had 2 weeks off work as I have brilliant employers but after 3 days I was walking 3 miles. Sure you'll be fine after a week..

endo_star profile image

I work in an office and was signed off for 2 weeks, but I went back after a week and a half as I felt ready. It was only a diagnostic lap though.

Cloudyrain profile image

My treatment lap was 4 weeks and then part time for a further 2 weeks. After a week I couldn't drive, suffered terrible horrific constipation and was generally unwell. Then a few weeks later I had a period and well, urgh, it was awful! ( I had extensive endo removed fro various locations).

I think you would maybe be better to give work the facts that it can be over 4 to 6 weeks just in case; they generally recommend a minimum of two weeks of you have any endo removed.

I know how difficult it can be, but honestly depending on the location, and your reaction to a general anaesthetic, you may need longer - the Dr and your GP will provide a sick note so your employer can't take any kind of proceedings against you.

Good luck, take care

aabb profile image

I had 5 days off the 1st time for my laparoscopy which wasn't enough as I work in a high school. My 2nd laparoscopy plus laser treatment, I was off 2 weeks. The 3rd laparoscopy plus more laser treatment, which unfortunately they could laser it because of where it was, that was only 2 weeks ago so I am going back to work next week, although I need to see how I really feel because now I have probs with my stomach and bowels, not sure if its the endo, my IBS or bug, Only you can tell when you are ready for work. Everyone is different.

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