Does Endo actually make you put on weight... - Endometriosis UK

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Does Endo actually make you put on weight? or is it the treatment that causes weight gain?

Ivapain profile image
11 Replies

I have just been diagnosed and have had a Laposcopy and a tube removed. I have an appointment next week to discuss treatment, but am very concerned about what I have read about side effects and possible weight gain.

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Ivapain profile image
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11 Replies
jojo777 profile image


One of the common side effects of all hormonal treatments is weight gain.

It doesn't happen to everyone but it is quite typical. You will have just to think the pros and cons and make your decision.

Good luck :) x

Hi, I too was worried about weight gain but I found that I lost weight when I was on the menopausal treatments. I suppose the stress of everything does not help.

Everybody is diffferent so go with your heart. Hope things getter better soon.


Imscared profile image

I was also worried about that. I actually lost weight since i started the endo diet

loobylou74 profile image

Me too,!i had put weight on with prostap and also from eating junk food when i felt too ill to actually cook anything.But since i started the endo diet all my clothes fit better because i'm not so bloated and ive lost 4 pounds in the first few weeks when conventional diets didn't shift it at all.The endo diet also gave me more energy.

NoshB profile image

yeh its more than likely the hormones are to blame for the weight gain i dont think the endo itself is responsible as since ive been diagnosed with it ive lost a lot of weight but i think that prob due to the painkillers and loss of appetite and the stress is has caused!

i try and try to stick to the endo diet but it is so difficult and expensive im dying of starvation here!!! lol


zara19 profile image

In all I've put on about 10kg since May after my lap but this was purely down to not doing anything bar sitting/lying down and eating junk. Then I was put on the pill - always makes me gain weight by making me ravenously hungry all the time and then the mirena although the coil had the same effect in the first 8 weeks but now its not so bad I'm starting to lose the weight I put on simply by dieting although I try to follow some rules of the endo like no processed foods, no wheat. Exercise is still a struggle 6 months on due to adhesions but i try and walk as much as i can.

I admit the weight gain symptoms really put me off any hormonal treatment, mainly because I had an eating disorder when I was younger but if its a choice between a little bit of weight and less pain from endo then its worth it. Can always lose it later. It's not forever.

Ivapain profile image
Ivapain in reply to zara19

Thankyou all for your answers. Where do I find out about the diet? I will ask questions at my appointment with the Endo nurse next week with regard to the hormone treatments (to be honest, I don't want any treatment and am wondering whether to just (wing it). As mine was only picked up by chance (through a scan, due to something else) I think the pain had become my own normal (nearly passing out, if I needed to go to the loo). I never thought anything of it and thought that everyone got that. One other question...I know this sounds really vain but does anyone know if my stomach will go flat again? It is really bloated now. xx

Ruta profile image
Ruta in reply to Ivapain

Hi Ivapain

It did for me. I was always bloated and in a lot of pain. Since I started endo diet 2 months ago, I lost weight and my stomach is flat now.

Endo diet really changed my life. It's hard at first but the benefits of it are so good you don't mind sticking to it anymore!

I bought a book to find out more about the diet. It also has quite few good recipes. But mainly it's no to: wheat, diary, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, red meat and processed food. It does sound like a lot but there are so many dishes you can cook without these products. I would really recommend it. I hope it will help you. Kisses hugs. x

loobylou74 profile image

Just put endometriosis diet in amazon you'l find some good books there.Also it is such a drastic change in diet you can tackle a few bits of it at a time.I cut out red meat and caffeine strait away and dairy a few weeks later .i'm now sticking to it all apart from alcohol lol.i just cant stop my weekend wine its my only pleasure.!!! Has really helped though.Good luck luv.x

Ivapain profile image
Ivapain in reply to loobylou74

Thankyou Guys, this is all very reassuring, so glad I joined this site. You are all stars. I will let you know how I get on. XX

zara19 profile image

I think wheat is the main culprit for belly bloat. I do notice the difference when I haven't had it a long time and then eat something with it in. My stomach still isn't flat but thats from the weight i put on and the fact that there's no way I'm chancing sit-ups with the adhesions I have going on in there! lol x

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