Does prostap shrink endo or merely suppre... - Endometriosis UK

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Does prostap shrink endo or merely suppress its growth?

smiley1 profile image
9 Replies
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smiley1 profile image
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9 Replies
bophead profile image

My consulant told me that it should stop anymore growing and that it will help to shrink any they missed in surgery.

Hope this helps :)


smiley1 profile image
smiley1 in reply to bophead

Hi bophead thanks I was getting myself a bit confused as I had thought it would shrink any that is there. I'm on it before I have a lap but would have thought for removal purposes of any visible endo that it would have been easier to have left things as they are so to speak. X

littlestar profile image

I was told it makes it easier for surgeon to remove it.

smiley1 profile image
smiley1 in reply to littlestar

Hi littlestar didn't realise it makes it easier to remove so thanks for letting me know. X

littlestar profile image

Thats what my consultant told me I am on it with a veiw to having hysterectomy,hopefully,and he puts all women on it prior to surgery,something to do with blood flow too I think.xx

smiley1 profile image
smiley1 in reply to littlestar

Are you having a full hyst! X

littlestar profile image
littlestar in reply to smiley1

Hopefully.The consultant I am seeing only does full ones for endometreosis,final decsion to be made next friday,but I think I will be as have tried evertything drugs,5 different contereceptive pills,laps,laser 3 times.Finally the mirena which was forced on me and it came back worse than ever.Now I have adhesions on my bowel and my stomach is all swelled for the 3rd time and was bed bound due to suspected endo in my back and bladder.Am now on injections and having a mri on sat and cysocopy next week when all decisions will be made.I fear the damage which has been done,if so the list is 2months and I only have 2months injections left anyway,so am desperate.

smiley1 profile image
smiley1 in reply to littlestar

Crikey poor you. I wish you luck next Friday. I am glad that he only does full ones for endo and I am taking it that he specialises in endo? I only asked about the hyst because I just wanted to make sure it was a full one because of my own experience. I was recommended to have a hyst by my consultant who I later realised did not specifically specialise in endo. I ended up having a TAG/LSO in 2006. I was advised that they would only remove my right ovary if endo was present on that side (which it wasn't) and due to my age being 35 at the time. I didn't realise at the time that by leaving an ovary you have six times the risk of endo returning. I was put on a course of prostap before surgery when no endo was found to be present but I had complications and had to have further surgery for internal bleeding. I then had to have another lap in 2007 this time with an endo consultant thankfully who removed extensive endo/adhesions and due to my history had to be an overnight case. I asked to have my ovary removed and was again told only if endo present which it wasn't. I have for the past 5 years had problems and tried most things but finally gave in and went back to see consultant who recommend if I opted for a lap now to see what was happening they would remove my ovary finally. There is a four month wait and that is why I am back on prostap again and counting the days.

I'm glad yours will only be a two month wait.

Again good luck for Friday - let me know how you get on. X

littlestar profile image

I will do .To your question yes he is one of the best in uk apparently.I am just turned 35 too and have been messed about with this since being 15,this time I went to my gp 5 times with bladder symptoms asking for a referal only to be told no,was given painkillers then rushed into hospital out of it as had choked on my own vomit due to pain ,my husband revived me.He then kicked off on my behalf and knowing my wishes said we weren,t leaving til we saw this consultant and he wouldn,t let them due 4th lap as I had said that what was not what i wanted,hence the wait the mri and cystocopy.

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