Hi Ladies,
I have been suffering with pains for years and years it was a vicious cycle and still is a battle with the national horrendous service (nhs) to have some decent treatment or for anyone to even listen to me, it's seems like the doctors don't know their ankle from the wrist or my kidney from a fibroid! The surgeon managed to burst mine during my last surgery and I'm scared to go for another.
It might be another hospital but it's just not nice to have to be treated
I've an alien by your consultant who clearly did not read your notes and does not know what she said to you the last time.
I've seen so many doctors I just have no faith and completely ZERO trust in them. How will I ever be better again, if they are going to treat me.
I'm sick and tired of being I'll and disabled my kidney has been leaking since last year. I do not understand what the hell is going on, it's been eleven and a half months and it is NOT healing itself. You would think the doctors would do something about it because you would think urine in the belly is not meant to be there and should not be leaking!
Rant over, I'm sad and crying and I HATE what they did to me. And the cheek of it they tried to blame me!!!!!!!!
Yea because I went inside myself and perforated my kidney didn't a I ? Yea right! And I did the scans and wrote the reports saying oh look there is here kidney didnt I!
they just don't care about me! I'm so angry with them!
Sometimes I think there is a button next to my records that says " when patient rings, be rude, lie, unhelpful, and let's ruin her life"
I'm gonna be 30 this year and it seems all my life since 16 has been ruined and overshadowed by pain and sadness by these useless "health professionals", why are they doctors when they don't even care!
And it happens to us all and I am sick of it! Maybe because we a amazing they do not want us to reproduce and make more amazing people because powerful people always see real amazing people as a threat.
Ok I'm sorry rant OVER
Love hopefully, ( one day the docs will go through this nightmare themselves and we can be horrible and useless to them) but that's mean and we are not mean like them!