Endometriosis was featured on the tv prog... - Endometriosis UK

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Endometriosis was featured on the tv programme Casualty last night

KarenlovesKermit profile image
12 Replies

I thought the bit where the Doctors said that by going on the pill to stop the main was incorrect. This may work for some of us, but not for us all. He should have said that in some cases it may stop the pain.

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KarenlovesKermit profile image
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12 Replies
katieloury11 profile image

i watched this last night and thought it contradicted what i had read. Was quite freaky to see it shown as i went to see my GP on monday and have been referred to the gynaecologist as she thinks i have endo....

KarenlovesKermit profile image

Aww Katie, good luck with your appointment. If you would like to ask me any questions, feel free and I will try and help x

katieloury11 profile image

thank you Karen...xxx

confusedgirl12345 profile image

I was really shocked but happy that it was shown on casualty as my doctors have not been really that helpful with infomation.

Hughffy profile image

I felt that it scratched the surface of the condition, however I didn't agree with the statement that the pill will work as a cure as that is not the case for many women including myself.

AshleyJ profile image

I liked how the show emphasised that Endo is a disease and is serious not just a “woman’s problem”.

JaneHJ_CEO profile image

Hi All

Endo UK was involved with the development of the storyline and we worked closely with the writer at the start and put him in touch wth medical experts to help with the key information. However, even once a script is finished it is always subject to tweaks and alterations and during filming lines can be shortened or even removed. We weren't sure how it was going to turn out as producers won't send out any preview tapes to the writers. Overall though, whilst it didn't cover endometriosis in depth we were pleased to see this issue raised on prime-time tv and we hope its not the last time.

Chrissie66 profile image
Chrissie66 in reply to JaneHJ_CEO

Hi Helen

I was thrilled to see endo portrayed on prime time telly but if I'm honest I was a bit sad that the lady was only diagnosed after she presented couging up blood. I'm guessing they did it for dramatic effect, but I was frustrated that she didn't 'just' collapse with abdominal pain which seems to be the way most people come to endometriosis. Since the programme went out I've had two people now tell me that I should be grateful that I'm not so bad that it's gone to my lungs. I appreciate that this part of it was probably fully out of your hands, and I'm guessing, as I said, that the writers chose the most extreme example as being the most dramatic.

On the other hand, I was given the opportunity to give those two people I mentioned a full and frank explanation of exactly what endometriosis is, and although one of them still thinks I'm getting off lightly!! at least it was put out there :)

Take care x

mmm1790 profile image

i watched it and was glad to see it being recognised and as a few have already stated on here the pill isnt the answer for the pain to go away I know for sure as ive been on the pill for 6 years and has made no difference and was only diagnosed within the past 6 months.

Jane72 profile image

After watching it I think it opened the eyes of my partner, since then he keeps asking if I'm ok. I don't think he realised just how bad it can be.

FifiFizz profile image

Was just mentioned on Embarrassing Bodies too Monday 23 April 2012 - Catch it on Channel 4 +1 or 4OD

Tracysam profile image

I was so glad that endo was mentioned on prime time telly. It certainly opened my friends and families eyes. The amount of phone calls and text I had after was unreal. Now they understand why I am now starting to cough up blood too. Hey ho could be worse.

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