hi all! I began to suffer with my periods from being a teenager (fainting, migraines). The pain eased for a few years but I have had trouble emptying my bladder since I was about 17. Over the past 2 years I have developed symptoms such as stabbing pelvic pain, lower back and hip pain and pain with full bladder/bowels. I had a cystoscopy to check my bladder was okay, which it was. I was therefore referred to a gynaecologist who suggested I start Dienogest. This pill has vastly given me back all quality of life and basically stopped my pain! Although I do still feel like I have a bowling ball in my pelvis.
I had an MRI last month. This came back totally normal and the gynaecologist actually discharged me back to the care of my GP!! I‘m so angry about this as I had waiting so long to see this specialist. My GP basically told me she has no idea what the problem could be since no endo was found on the MRI.
So what do I do now? Do I push my GP to refer me for a lap? Is it even endo? I‘m feeling so defeated and really don‘t know what I should do. I‘d really appreciate any advice or experiences x