I’m currently deciding wether to have a laparoscopy or try the mirena coil to help with my endometriosis, any advice of which would have more effect/which to try first?
Endo treatment : I’m currently deciding... - Endometriosis UK
Endo treatment

I had the mirena for 6 months before my laparoscopy and it definitely didn't help my symptoms, however they did recommend I keep it in after the surgery and after another 4-5 months the symptoms massively eased! So mine was a waiting game but worth it in the end
It could be worth trying both, as the coil isn't a cure for endo but rather a way of managing symptoms. I'm having my first lap this spring and had a mirena coil placed in August. It's helped reduce some of my pain but hasn't completely removed pain, plus I still get other symptoms like fatigue, etc.
I'm planning to keep the coil in post surgery and hoping the combination of both will make a difference.
my daughter has been diagnosed with endo and has had the coil fitted for the past 4 years.
She has benefited from it greatly. Her periods aren’t so heavy and only last a day or two. She isn’t in as much pain either. It was painful to be fitted, should’ve had the gas and air but was definitely worth it.
When it’s time to be replaced she will get it done again with no hesitation.
I’m pretty sure it’s always best to try the least invasive least risky option first which would be the coil. Have you also been offered any medication as a third option, again I’d be trying that before surgery. Nothing cures endo so it’s all about finding the best way to manage your symptoms. Best of luck.