I don’t know what I’m hoping for here lol I don’t necessarily need advice, a bit of solidarity maybe.
I’ve found comfort reading others posts, which sounds weird as it’s usually about their pain and struggles but something about knowing you aren’t suffering alone, your symptoms are real and your feelings are valid helps.
I’ve been suffering for years - I was put on the pill early on, about 14, for heavy painful periods and it honestly helped massively for years. I was diagnosed with CFS at about 15, but from reading some of these stories, I wonder if the fatigue is more endo related, I guess I’ll never know. I’ve had a couple of bouts in hospital, one ending in an operation for suspected appendicitis. The other I was hospitalised for a week, ending my stay with a gynaecologist telling me ‘sometimes women just get stomach pain and we never really know why’. In my head, these were probably both bad endo episodes.
I’d never read or really heard much about endometriosis. I just assumed I had painful periods and that was normal (ish), I’d pass out, be sick but no one ever seemed worried.
I went to the doctors a few years ago and said I’d had enough, the pill effects my mood, sex drive and I didn’t want it any more but the alternative was the pain and that didn’t feel like an option either. I was SO lucky to see an incredible gp, who instantly said to me she thought I had endo. She also said had I seen any other dr there, is probably be going home with anti depressants and nothing else (crazy but from some of your stories sounds so true). I got further lucky with a referral which landed me at a private hospital in my area, they take a certain amount of nhs patients.
The guy I saw is an endo specialist, he champions research but I still wasn’t convinced. The first thing he asked he was what was my diagnosis? I stumbled and said I wasn’t sure and started listing all the reasons I might not have endo (I fell pregnant easily, I didn’t have any many issues as others I knew etc) and he told me to stop. He told me to trust my gut, I know I had endo and based on what he could see, he thought it was likely too. I sobbed. It’s so overwhelming to be validated after so many years.
He suggested an operation, I wasn’t so keen. We settled on an MRI just to see if we can see anything (he reassured me that just because an mri doesn’t show, it doesn’t mean it’s not there) but I guess im just stuck now.
I’m seeing him again in 2 weeks to review the MRI and my thought process is
1. If it doesn’t show, I’ll try manage different ways.
2. If it does show then it must be bad enough and I’ll accept an operation.
I don’t know which one is the ideal situation and I know sometimes the scan shows nothing but that isn’t what’s truly happening inside. Has anyone had this dilemma? I’m worried about an operation, the recovery and maybe even more so finding nothing and realising my pains forever?
I’m sorry this is such a brain dump. I guess I just needed to get it out.