Hi ladies,
I’m at a bit of a loss and I was just wondering if someone could help. I suppose it’s the same old story, really.
It’s a long one, I apologise!
I was diagnosed in 2014 with stage 2 endo. The surgeon burned it off and I just felt so validated after 8 years of pain. Fast forward 10 years, I’ve had 2 mirena coils and a gorgeous 3 year old son.
After pregnancy the coil didn’t work well for me. I became depressed and my moods were terrible. I came off it in Ocotober ‘23 and figured I should try without any hormones and see what happened. In January the cyclical bowel pain came back, horrendous pain and going to the toilet (crying). My periods actually weren’t bad, but ovulation was very painful, and bleeding during. I was put on the mini pill in April.
I tried the NHS route, but was told it would be November before I’d be seen for an initial consultation, so I went privately, back to the surgeon who originally diagnosed me. He requested an ultrasound, which showed my left ovary to be likely stuck, possible haemorrhagic material and my bowel wasn’t working correctly. Due to the pain they couldn’t have a good look at my left hand side. He then put me forward for an MRI. I had a buscopan injection and the contrast dye.
The results came back normal and he kind of just said ‘well, it’s not your endo’ and has referred me to gastro (cue the same farce of going between gastro and gynae and no one wanting to take ownership). Now, I know that he isn’t an endo specialist, but I really thought I was in safe hands with him. I also know that the milder endo stages (likely mine) aren’t necessarily visible on MRIs to an untrained eye. I have a small 3cm cyst on my left ovary, but I can’t see how that’s causing my pain. I’ve come off the mini pill because again my moods dropped to a scary low and now I’m not really sure where to go from here.
Has anyone been fobbed off after being diagnosed previously? I know this is my endo, and I am so done with feeling like I’m wasting people’s time.
(I should also note that he didn’t burn off the endo that was on my bowel, and the MRI made no mention of my uterosacral ligament, which is where the endo was predominantly found last time).
Sorry for the long post, I just feel so lost and let down.