Hi all, hope your all okay? I had my pre ops a couple of weeks ago and I'm just nervously waiting for my hysterectomy. My hospital bag is half packed. Did anyone before having a hysterectomy have really bad anxiety and irritability. A little back story as to where I am now: 2015 - I was diagnosed with PCOS.
I had a laproscopic surgery in 2016 - everything was fine apparently.
Another laproscopic surgery in 2019 - I had to get this done privately, they successfully found endometriosis and was treated however I was never told what stage or to where my endometriosis was untill where I am now.
2021 - I was back at gynae complaining of pain, I begged the consultant for another laproscopic surgery. His reply was I trust my colleagues judgement (who originally worked at the private hospital) so I was like hm okay can you remove everything then please because I genuinely cannot live any longer being in pain. Due to my age and being para I've had to comply with treatments in order to get this hysterectomy. So the first thing he asked me to do was to complete 6 months of decaptyl injections (chemical menopause) - completed it. I was referred to pain management they literally said there's nothing we can do because your already heavily medicated and they didn't want to disturb that. I was also phycologically assessed to see if the pain is in my head and to see if I am able to make decisions clearly. I was referred to neurology (we were both confused as to why but they've started a investigation into chronic fatigue syndrome and I've got to be assessed In my sleep for sleep apnea).
November 2021 - I had to have a uterine artery embolisation.
It was only last year in November 2023 that they finally sent my referral off to get the hysterectomy, obviously leaving my ovaries for obvious reasons.
Fast forward to August time 2024 when they stopped my disability benefit (having to fight in a tribunal) because you have to gather evidence to present at court have I only just found out I have adenomyosis as well as endometriosis, my appendix is particularly bad apparently, and other parts of my bowel 🙈 so that's pretty cool to find out 😑
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago I had my pre ops - I haven't heard anything since and I am just sat here with really bad anxiety, don't help because the doctors decided to stop one medication that I've been on since I was 17, but given me gabapantin (however it's spelt - apparently good for pain and good for anxiety) I just can't work out if it's anxiety from coming off the medication or if it's anxiety because I'm scared about going into hospital 🙈