mri for bowel endometriosis : hi girls... - Endometriosis UK

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mri for bowel endometriosis

Jsrzb profile image
19 Replies

hi girls basically I have a mri Friday to see if I have endo on my bowel does anyone know if the mri can see other stuff like ovary’s also x

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Jsrzb profile image
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19 Replies
Tangoandmax profile image

I’ve recently had a pelvic MRI. It confirmed Bowel endo, all pelvic organs can be seen, mine has located ovaries (stuck in odd positions) etc.

nikogirl18 profile image
nikogirl18 in reply to Tangoandmax

Do you know if your MRI was with contrast? I had an mri which I thought was supposed to be with contrast, but ended up not having contrast. They didn’t see any endo, although lap confirmed it a few months later. Don’t know if contrast would have made a difference 🤷‍♀️

Tangoandmax profile image
Tangoandmax in reply to nikogirl18

I actually had a bit of a tantrum about the contrast.

I waited four months for an MRI, and even then it was a cancellation appointment, literally with 30 minutes notice. The gyne consultant said it would be with contrast, but when I got there they refused and said it wasn’t necessary (to rush me through). When I got out of the machine, they said if it’s not good enough I’d need to come back to have with contrast. Absolutely infuriating.

Thankfully the radiologist with the special interest in endo could report on findings as was. So the additional MRI wasn’t needed.

I often hear that other peoples MRI have not shown endo, I really do believe that mine has only flagged it due to the obvious extensive damage (multiple organs tethered together) I’ve been fighting for diagnosis for eight years. Interestingly ultrasounds showed Adeno but no signs Endometriosis.

nikogirl18 profile image
nikogirl18 in reply to Tangoandmax

That’s so interesting! I was chasing my MRI appointment for ages and was told my appointment would take longer as it was needed with contrast but when I got there they never did contrast…I wish I pushed back about that looking back 🥲 might have made a difference

Tangoandmax profile image
Tangoandmax in reply to nikogirl18

My push back didn’t even help. Don’t be too hard on yourself 🤍

KezMurr profile image
KezMurr in reply to nikogirl18

I had contrast with one MRI and one MRI without, neither picked up on stage 4 endo whatsoever!

Tangoandmax profile image
Tangoandmax in reply to KezMurr

I genuinely think it depends who is reviewing them also. It can be like finding a needle in a haystack getting someone who is the right person/experienced enough.

I have a private consult on Monday to discuss my results and surgery options (as the NHS gyne never even explained fully, just said it’s DIE and too complicated for us I only actually saw findings on a copy of the referral letter) referred me for MDT review at a specialist centre. So it will be interesting to see if the private specialist agrees with findings based on the scans.

KezMurr profile image
KezMurr in reply to Tangoandmax

The person who reviewed my second one (after the lap confirmed stage 4 endo) was a radiographer who specialised in endo! So sometimes even then, it doesn't matter :( The lap is defo the gold standard. I was actually second guessing if I should have a lap because of the first MRI results but so glad I did. I think for women experiencing chronic pain who's scans are clear, the professionals shouldn't be relying on clear scans so heavily. I was told by an endo gyno after my first MRI that I couldn't possibly have endo becauae of the 'clear' results, when in reality multiple organs of mine were fused together in there. She actually discharged me based on those results which is ridiculous! It will be interesting to see if the private specialist says different for your results, keep us posted! Best of luck. Xx

Tangoandmax profile image
Tangoandmax in reply to KezMurr

I know this all too well, severe pain for years but clear scan after clear scan so it’s in your head/IBS. I stupidly trusted them. It’s made me so untrusting of all medical professionals. I have been previously discharged back to my GP twice. This third referral was only taken more seriously due to the severity of pain that meant I couldn’t have treatment needed on my cervix/withstand a smear.

You would honestly think that if they can’t see an obvious cause that would be grounds for absolutely investigating further, but no. Women’s health is treated so poorly.

Sorry you’ve gone through it! Can I ask if your lap helped? Did they perform excision? I’m reading so much about them not touching certain areas in some cases as it’s too severe, I honestly can’t continue as I am. I’m terrified they’re not going to be able to fix me.

Jsrzb profile image
Jsrzb in reply to Tangoandmax

Ouch 😩 you poor thing ! Did they do the mri through your gyne and how did you get the results I’m trying to chase the results

Tangoandmax profile image
Tangoandmax in reply to Jsrzb

The gyne at my local hospital requested the MRI as she was concerned by symptoms and worried I’d wait ages for an investigative lap which may reveal stuff they couldn’t contend with. I said I’d take a cancellation appointment for the MRI which still took four months and then the radiology department were appalling (the man scanning me was shouting about how many patients he had that day, shouting at the receptionist, refused the contrast, said he was overworked and so on) it was so uncomfortable, so i complained again. They then reviewed my scans quicker I think they just wanted rid of me. 🙈 if my story proves anything it’s that if I wouldn’t have complained I wouldn’t be this far. I’m honestly appalled at the level of treatment. Have you called the radiology department directly or just gyne? Always worth a PALS complaint if it’s been ages.

Ligeiael profile image

Hi, MRI done with the correct protocol can show foci of endometriosis in the abdomen and pelvis - yes, definitely.

KezMurr profile image
KezMurr in reply to Ligeiael

Not always... even when reviewed by an endo specialist.

KezMurr profile image

Hi there, I have stage 4 endo quite severely, connecting my bowels and uterus. It didn't show up on an MRI before the lap and it didn't show up on an MRI after the lap, once the surgeon had found exactly where it was (during the lap). It was too severe for her to operate on so she referred me to a bowel surgeon. Be prepared for all clear results, it doesn't mean you don't have endo even if medical professionals try to gaslight you into believing otherwise. And my second mri to give the bowel surgeon a better idea as to how bad it was (I have/had severe endo connecting my bowels and uterus for this MRI) was reviewed by a radiologist who specialises in endo. Results were 'all clear'. Lol xx

AndAnotherProblem profile image
AndAnotherProblem in reply to KezMurr

This was my argument i put to a gp i spoke to a couple weeks ago! ive had ct, mri, ultrasound etc for gallbladder and not once was it commented on my results, it wasnt even mentioned in my notes when i got steralised. my gynae was peeved that no body picked up on it and investigated further just because it was either not their job or they didnt know what the scans were picking up. all it took was for a gp to refer me to a private gynae dr

Lornalost89 profile image

Hi. I had an MRI with and without contrast to look for DIE. Which came back "probable" due to something showing my bowel and cervix directly connected. It also reported on my ovaries, cervix, endometrial lining etc which resulted in me being passed over to a specialist centre x

DutchVanderling profile image

my mri didn’t pick up anything but the internal ultrasound the nurse found adhesions and my left ovary completely immobile and basically glued to my uterus so… depends on who is doing the mri tbh.

ocke2030 profile image

Hi yes MRI can see all the pelvic organs ovary bowel uterus etc

AndAnotherProblem profile image

I'm going through this right now. I had all my endo show on the mri looking like bubble wrap, my gynae went in (lapro) and all he saw was the odd endo on the outside of my ovaries and bowel and kidney so the rest that the mri picked up is on the inside so now i have to have another referral for another lapro. When we get ignored for our pains and symptoms they dont realise that its just making things worse as it carries on spreading inside us!

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