I’ve always suffered with recurring UTIs, and UTI symptoms. On diagnosis endo was left around bladder due to concerns in removal.
I’m feeling a little fed up, started with UTI symptoms early hours last Monday - confirmed UTI by dip test which was sent to lab (strain identified). During this time I was either not going to the toilet (bad I know but tried to work through it until the weds) and spending the nights in the bath I’m agony, loosing small clots and feeling the urge to push (only way I can describe it).
Normally when I am prescribed antibiotics the symptoms, painful urination ease quite quickly but this time I didn’t feel right. Felt nauseous, pain lower pelvis and lower back so headed to out of hours on Monday who repeated dip test which was clearer however prescribed another course of antibiotics due to symptoms and recent lab result. They mentioned during the visit that the pain could be due to my endometriosis potentially flaring up due to UTI.
I’ve put through for a sick note as I’m still experiencing pain - lower pelvis, urethra (when going to toilet often) and lower back and feeling quite run down. Sick note has come back as ‘suspected UTI’, out of hours didn’t document around endo link at all and GP has gone off this visit only not all history.
Having one of those times when you just feel like your loosing the plot with it and it doesn’t help when lack of knowledge around what you’re going through.
Guess I just needed to say in a safe space and also if anyone else has noticed UTI causing flare ups (feeling like a wuss at the moment)