Hi all, I have been suffering for years now from Endo, it is really impacting on my life and feel like I have to do something new. My consultant has suggested the next step is Zoladex injections. I am 51 years and feels like I am perimenopausal so starting with occasional symptoms of this. I am really nervous to try these injections as I don't like the idea of messing with my body and also the side affects sound a bit rough! Would really appreciate peoples thoughts/experiences please.... Thank you
Experience of Zoladex injections please?? - Endometriosis UK
Experience of Zoladex injections please??

I'm on prostrap and have found it so helpful with no real issues. Hope Zoladex helps you. Sending you a big hug too 🤗❤️
Hi , I refused to take it as to me it seemed I was going into menopause naturally anyway( and I didn’t want to be messing around with it). Saying that the menopause so far has had no affect on my symptoms so I have opted for surgery
I'm on zoladex and I'm 51 too. I have stage 4 endometriosis. I tried everything before going on zoladex as I didn't like the idea of the drug and how it alters messages from your brain. I can't have a hysterectomy because the endometriosis has fused my bowel to my cervix and left ovary. I have fibroids and adenomyosis too. My main symptom is continual flooding. I lose a lot of blood and I'm constantly anaemic as a result. This started 20 months ago and came out of nowhere. I was on HRT and very happy. I did Crossfit 4 times a week and ran long distances. I was very health conscious and I haven't drank alcohol foe 10 years. After the abandoned hysterectomy in September they tried me on continual provera which is a synthetic progestogen- it made me ill and I put on 15 pounds overnight! I was angry all the time and I didn't recognise myself. So finally, after seeing an endometriosis specialist and paying for an MRI, I went on zoladex in January. It hasn't been a straight road to recovery but I'm getting there. I'm in my third month and I'm only flooding once a week. I was flooding 5 times a day. I've only had 21 days since 5th Sept where I haven't bled heavily. I am on addback HRT due to the fact that without estrogen my mental health suffers. I have lost 10 pounds since starting Zoladex. I think the women who tend to put on weight are experiencing the weight gain of menopause and I'd already had that in my 40s. My only other symptoms are dry skin and the odd headache and I'm still bleeding but a LOT less.
Zoladex can be great if you are on it for pain. It sounds counter intuitive to stop the ovaries producing hormones and then taking addback HRT, but this is because there is very little estrogen in HRT. Certainly compared to what our ovaries produce. I think for women approaching menopause (average age is 51.4 months) this drug can help you avoid a hysterectomy and see you through into menopause. I would recommend HRT to support you (some doctors give tibolone which is a VERY low form of HRT). This protects your bones too which the drug can affect.
I'd approach the injection as one part of your recovery. Eating well, avoiding alcohol, good sleep and regular exercise (including lifting weights) is the other side that compliments it. Everyone responds differently so I would recommend you try it and see how you get on. Finally, be patient as it doesn't work straight away - usually a couple of months to really kick in. It also stimulates EVERYTHING first so your first month is very tough.
There are many women on it for longer than the licensed year because they are prescribed it via an endometriosis specialist not your GP. There is a good facebook page too of around 700 women on it. Good luck xxx
Hi Husky! I had the Zoladex injections for nearly a year while waiting for a hysterectomy (I only had one ovary at the time and wasn't having any menopause symptoms). It really helped me with the pain I was in, and I didn't notice any side effects. After 6 months I had to go onto HRT tablets, as they are aware it can effect your bones etc. I didn't notice anything by adding HRT into the mix.
Obviously it works different for everyone, but I noticed an improvement in my pain quickly. I was having them monthly and I felt the first injection had helped before I had the second one.
They actually gave me HRT before I had the first injection and was told to start taking it as soon as menopause symptoms started showing, they didn't for me but at least if your doctor did this then you can get on it straight away.
The main side effects I noticed after a few months was some weight gain and hair loss. I kept as active as I could and got a caffeine shampoo which helped after a few weeks. The main bonus for me was the pain improving to a more manageable level. As I say, I was on it for 11 months and that was just because the surgery list was so long. My surgeon actually wants his patients to go onto Zoladex for 3 months before surgery, he says it's because it is less of a shock on the system after the hysterectomy.
As always, you'll find mixed reviews. But hopefully these replies help you come to a decision! Best of luck!
Hi Husky I have had 3 lots of Zoladex and found it great! It really has helped with my pain. I have found the only side effect to be hot flushes on a night (although this was limited when I introduced Tibolone as replacement HRT). If I'm honest I actually feel better on Zoladex - I feel calmer and feel like the fog (menopause brain!) has lifted. Think the increased Testestorone has balanced me out and my hubby agrees! I had so many worries when I started and I've now been offered a 4th course and I'm keen to go back on - my only concern is the risk of Osteoporosis - however have had a DEXA scan and this has shown that my bones are not different to the average 45 year old and another scan will be conducted in 12 months. Happy to give more information if you feel it would help. Hope it helps you. x