I have been living with endometriosis for many years. Recently the fatigue seems worse than ever. Has anyone found anything that helps with this?
Endometriosis fatigue : I have been living... - Endometriosis UK
Endometriosis fatigue

Hi Suburbia. I feel you on this. I'm constantly exhausted / fatigued, moreso around my period (which I only get 2 weeks between nowadays 😑). I was told by my gyne that fatigue is not related to endometriosis, which I don't believe for a moment. I havnt found anything that helps yet, hoping it will subdue after the surgery I am waiting for.
The gynae politely is talking rubbish. The endo tissue produces additional cortisol , it’s receptors resistant to progesterone and insulin in many of us, maybe resistant to other hormones too … It’s inflammation maybe the result of or /worsened by chronic infections etc etc. It is a hormone modulating disease and likely autoimmune… it makes you bloody tired.
I thought he was talking crap, but figured he must know what he was on about. TBH I really didn't like him, he made me feel so uncomfortable, it was an awful experience. I was going to chase it up with my doctor, I don't know why I havnt yet, more fool me!
I bought some energising effervescent tablets that you dissolve in a glass of water, just like multivitamin tablet really which gives me a little boost. Not a solution but might help a bit.

Thanks BeTheSunshine. I will give it a try.
I found dealing with the ongoing inflammation and improving breathing and core strength the best way to help with the chronic fatigue . Try Heal Endo by Katie Edmonds for a good old explore around possible supportive self care and hypopressive breathing for core recovery. My top go to for pain and inflammation reduction/improvement too for leaky gut is high quality fish Omega 3 ( sorry plant version is NOT the same ) .
You might have already done this, but I'd ask your GP to do blood tests to rule out low iron, B12, folate or vitamin D as that might be making you extra tired on top of the endo fatigue.