Fatigue with endometriosis: I was wondering... - Endometriosis UK

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Fatigue with endometriosis

AnnaSW11 profile image
6 Replies

I was wondering whether anyone else has suffered from fatigue with endometriosis. I know that it is a symptom of the condition but was wondering what other people's personal experiences are. I seem to suffer a lot from fatigue before and after being diagnosed (especially around the time of my period when it can be incredibly intense). I'm finding it hard to ascertain whether it's the endometriosis or whether it's my lifestyle / stress etc (I live in London and work in a frankly bonkers workplace!).

Any thoughts/comments would be really welcome.


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AnnaSW11 profile image
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6 Replies
gwen80 profile image

Do we work at the same place? Ha,ha!

Seriously though, fatigue is my worst symptom. Well I think it's linked to the endo because I've had countless blood tests which were all normal. For me the fatigue normally starts about 2 weeks before I'm due on, then gets better as soon as I start my period, but recently I've had bad fatigue during/after my period and almost all month long. When it's really bad my eyes get really red and sore. I'm having treatment for endo at the moment and if that improves it, then I know it's due to the endo. If it doesn't, I think chronic fatigue syndrome needs to be considered - there is a link between CFS and endo.

LRog profile image
LRog in reply to gwen80

Ive had the same terrible fatigue. Had an excision of endometriosis a week ago. The energy levels have improved hugely already. Hope it lasts!

gwen80 profile image
gwen80 in reply to LRog

That gives me hope! I'm having a laparoscopy in August and a Mirena fitted at the same time. I was thinking about it this morning and it's like there's nothing in the tank. Also the brain fog, especially later in the day. I'll be sat at my desk trying to deal with an issue and it's like my neurons aren't connecting or something. I just can't think, so frustrating.

Thank you - I'm more hopeful now that the fatigue can be improved. I hope it lasts for you too!

Starry profile image

I have perpetual severe fatigue and am currently signed off work with it. Like Gwen it is by far my most incapacitating symptom

Apparently cross talk with the auto immune system and endo / adhesions is connected. Plus chronic inflammation and pain can cause fatigue on top. Work Stress can of course exacerbate the situation, and I am sure it did with me to a good degree, but I am no better having been off a week and removed myself from the stress of not being able to keep up with the pace and demand.

None of the hormone treatments made much difference though to be fair the severity has worsened drastically after coil removal and a failed attempt at a course zoladex.

I have a 2.5cm nodule attaching my bowel to my cervix and numerous white adhesions distorting my bowel into a u bend.

I've excision surgery on 18th and praying it makes a difference.

Heloo85 profile image

Fatigue is my worst symptom by far. Had excision surgery december but it has returned. Its not only physical but mental. I get to a point where i just cannot form a sentence. My short term memory is shot. I feel spaced out. I have to constantly push myself through it. I was signed on the sick then was signed off, left unable to attain jobseekers as had surgery booked, was left homeless and penniless. Then my surgery went from intermediate to major during surgery. Ive luckily moved in with my partner. I have chronic constipation and impact every couple of weeks. Im now on zoladex which further adds to the fatigue. Its hard. I feel for you. Just try push through it. Drink plenty of clear fluids, get some fresh air by going for a walk. Excercise helps but i know you dont feel like it. And eat a good diet. A multi-vit and probiotic will help too. Especially vit bs and D. Good luck!

Fatigue from endo is literally the worst, I work in chlidcare with a good mix of sitting and standing but by 2pm I'm so exhausted I can barely stand, and then in too much pain to sleep. I find drinking lots and a good mix of sitting and standing works, otherwise you won't want to stand up again once you've sat down!

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