first lap booked for next week don’t no w... - Endometriosis UK

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first lap booked for next week don’t no what to expect.

Sophia125 profile image
11 Replies

hi all. So I saw my gyno back in November, he done a vaginal scan, everything was ok except couldn’t see my left overy on the scan.

I explained my symptoms and he put me forward for a lap. But Iv heard mix reviews to whether an MRI is better than a lap but wasn’t given a choice.

I have my pre op tomorrow and surgery next week. I don’t no what to expect never have been in surgery before for anything so a little nervous.

I’m a hairdresser so when should I expect to feel Normal to go back to work?

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Sophia125 profile image
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11 Replies
Pacotj profile image

I had my lap last Wednesday and I was also very scared (mostly because I work in operating theatres myself and being on the other side is just terrifying). They were amazing so lovely and caring honestly. The anaesthetist held one hand and the anesthetic nurse held my other because I was the biggest baby but I literally remember probably 3 minutes worth in the anaesthetic room and then absolutely nothing until I was in recovery.

I have been advised by my surgeon to take at least 2/3 weeks off work, my job involves a lot of moving and handling and you really need to take care of yourself in this time. I was very naive because I’d read in lots of places about returning to work a week post op and thats been far from the truth for me. I have 3 ports (some people only have 2) and unless I was working from home or in an office theres absolutely no chance I’d be going back to work this week.

One advise I’d give is buy some ducolax or similar, the medication from the anaesthesia mixed with the medication the give you post op played absolute havoc with my bowels and basically turned on an off switch, which in turn caused more bloating and pain.

Be easy on yourself and take the time you need to recover, dont compare yourself to everything you see online x

Sophia125 profile image
Sophia125 in reply to Pacotj

thank you for your reply. Always good and bad with everything.

Did they give you your outcome on the day x

Pacotj profile image
Pacotj in reply to Sophia125

There is, the main thing I worried about was them not finding anything and having no answers. The surgeon came round to talk to me once I’d come round fully and showed me photos of the endometriosis that she found. They also did the dye test to make sure my tubes were ok, have they arranged this for you? X

Sophia125 profile image
Sophia125 in reply to Pacotj

Hi, not that I know off. I have my pre op this afternoon.

Pacotj profile image

If it’s something you’d rather know then you can always ask your surgeon on the day if they’ll consent you for that. You’re there anyway and it doesn’t take them long at all. Pre op is just to check your general health for surgery and take bloods, bp, BMI etc so you’re better asking the surgeon x

Sophia125 profile image

thank you!

hel838 profile image


I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy two weeks ago, I went back to work this week. It was my first surgery of any kind and didn’t really know what to expect. Be prepared for a long wait, I took a book and my phone charger. Unlucky for me I was last on the list to be seen that day.

Once I came round the consultant came to see me, but it’s all a bit of a blur and don’t remember what she said other than that she had found endometriosis. I rang the consultant secretary to get more information yesterday and was told I will receive a letter detailing everything. I’m not sure if this is standard practice. They don’t let you out until you have eaten and gone to the toilet.

Recovery wise, the first week rest but move a little each day and build it up. Moving also helps with the gas pain, so does peppermint tea! Your belly will be feel swollen but the pain overall was far less then I was expecting. I know everyone is different but after two weeks I feel fine and healing well I think. Just impatient now for information and for the stitches to heal.

Hope it goes well for you

Sophia125 profile image
Sophia125 in reply to hel838

thank you! And get well soon

TuesdayChild01 profile image

Hi Sophia125,

having an anaesthetic is very nerve wracking. As long as you have a good team and ask loads of questions if you are unsure about any part of it.

As for recovery, expect some bloating and discomfort in you abdomen, taking paracetamol and peppermint helped with that. You might also get shoulder pain, I felt this mainly at night but it goes away after a day or 2, this I found was the most uncomfortable part really.

I would definitely take at least 2 weeks off work no matter what you do. Take it easy but don’t sit still for too long. They advised me to wear support socks for 6 weeks post op and gave me Fragmin injections to administer myself for 3 or 5 days after too, just to prevent blood clots developing.

Hope this helps and good luck

bee109 profile image

I had my lap last tips... I was signed off for 2 weeks - I needed the 2 weeks, I slept lots and rested - i did do some little bits like dusting around the house - but definitely felt it if i got carried away.

I paid to go private - so didn't really hang around for my op - but still took a book/phone charger.

Very loose fitting clothes especially round the tummy, sanitary pads - you might bleed a bit after - and the ones the hospital provide aren't very comfy.

Having the cannula inserted was probably the most painful bit out of everything

Make your room into a bit of a den - I had my coloring books/magazine/laptop all within easy reach

When you come round you will probably be in some discomfort - tell the nurse monitoring - mine was great and got me pain meds straight away.

Peppermint tea and wind tablets - plenty of pillows - lying down due to the wind will be really difficult for the first few week.

Baby wipes- I didn't feel like showering for at least a week - baby wipes were my best friend for just staying a bit fresh.

Take ibuprofen/paracetamol regularly to start with - even if your not sure your in pain keep taking every 4 hours - you will get better results. I struggled to remember when i had last taken tablets, so set a 4 hour timer on my phone!

Dee_EndoUK profile image
Dee_EndoUKModeratorEndometriosis UK

Hi Sophia

Wishing you all the best for your forthcoming laparoscopy. If you haven't already seen it, we have a great document on our website that explains what to expect before, during and after your laparoscopy. You can download it at

The most important thing to remember is to ask questions of the doctors carrying out your surgery so you feel as comfortable as you can about the process. Remember that everyone's recovery times would be different so please take it easy afterwards and give your body the time it needs to heal.

Take care x

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