Does anyone get this??? Mines worse when ovulating.
I'm currently laid here with a hotwater bottle on pelvic area & cool pack on private area 😖 it's awful x
Does anyone get this??? Mines worse when ovulating.
I'm currently laid here with a hotwater bottle on pelvic area & cool pack on private area 😖 it's awful x
Hi heartof3
I regularly get this when I’m ovulating, and it’s worse on my left which is where all my endo is. I’m due for my 2nd lap in 2 weeks where they are going to remove my left ovary fully, had the tube and most of this taken out last year, but endo had all returned! Hopefully this helps, but I totally feel your pain about the pressure radiating down! It’s stopped me in my tracks before because it hurts so much!! Naproxen and a heat bag help…big hugs!!!
Classic Endo/adeno symptoms. Go to seea specailist now before it gets worse. xxx