Ivf or lap surgery?: Hi everyone We have a... - Endometriosis UK

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Ivf or lap surgery?

Ke90 profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone

We have a little boy 2.5 years old (conceived easily after 15 years on the pill)

We are trying for baby 2 unsuccessfully. Had a private fertility scan and they can see endo (think quite severe) and my tubes are 'sticking together' apparently a sign of endo. I did wonder if I had it as periods heavy and painful since having a baby.

Basically just asking for advice as to which route to go down now- the surgery to have it removed or straight to ivf?? Anyone had similar experiences?

Thanks xxx

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Ke90 profile image
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12 Replies
Lasagne2 profile image

Due to the fact that the scan confirmed the tubes sticking together and possibly other problems, maybe a laporoscopy would be more beneficial as it could rid of it, then you heal ? X

Ashatay profile image

Hi, I had a scan after 4 years of trying (and previous fertility specialist not looking into anything beyond blood tests) and was diagnosed with severe endo because left ovary was sticking to uterus and bowel. Had first laproscopy which was meant to remove endo and it was so bad they didn't remove any so I had to be admitted to hospital after 6 months Zoladex. Had second laproscopy and removed endo, a month later did IVF (Nov/Dec 2021) and now 12 weeks pregnant after now 5 years TTC. My new specialist said he would never proceed with IVF with diagnosis of endo.

Lil8 profile image
Lil8 in reply to Ashatay

I have been wondering the same thing since my diagnosis. Thank you for sharing, this gives me some hope :)

Ke90 profile image
Ke90 in reply to Ashatay

Thanks for sharing, congratulations that's wonderful news. Did you conceive naturally after your surgery?

Ashatay profile image
Ashatay in reply to Ke90

No did IVF straight after surgery (full on few months) and fell pregnant first transfer.

Petitechili profile image

Hello, I had a smiliar situation. The ivf consultant advised me to have the surgery. I did and they found my tubes were filled with fluid and needed drained. My ovaries were adhered too and the consultant said it would have been impossible to retrieve the eggs. I suppose a lot also depends on the waiting time for surgery and ivf... Hope this helps! X

HortC11 profile image

Hi, I had a similar situation where we have been TTC for 2.5 years with no luck. I found out I have endo and it has caused a lot of damage to my tubes. My consultant recommended that I have surgery first to try to fix the tubes or worst case scenario remove them before IVF, as mine have fluid in them which are toxic to an embryo. Not saying you will have to have tubes removed but I think it would probably be better to have surgery first so they know exactly what is going on before having IVF. Wishing you all the best x

LB1988 profile image

I am in a similar situation, I’ve just had my excision surgery. My GP recommended I go through the surgical/gynae route because I have private medical insurance through my job which made the wait a lot shorter (thankfully!). Where as with the IVF route I would have to wait longer or pay out of pocket.

I don’t know where you are in the country but my GP said that if I had the fertility referral first rather than the gynae one, that the fertility clinic in the W.Midlands would probably refer me for endo surgery anyway and because it is fertility related it wouldn’t have been covered by my private insurance? This turned out to be the right decision for us because in the meantime my husband got checked out (all fine), and my GP ran every possible test/exam on me to prepare for an IVF referral as soon as the surgery was done if something was picked up there. Fortunately, my surgeon did a dye test on my tubes while performing the initial lap surgery which showed that some of the adhesions were affecting things but it was easily resolved and tubes were running well afterwards.

I’m just recovering from the final surgery a week ago and we’ve been given the all clear to conceive naturally - fingers crossed!

I hope whichever route you take that things work out for you xxx

Berry_blue profile image
Berry_blue in reply to LB1988

That’s great to hear, I have my surgery on 21st Feb. How long after surgery did your consultant say you can start trying for a baby?

LB1988 profile image
LB1988 in reply to Berry_blue

This was my second surgery, as first was diagnostic and I needed some work in my bowel and ureters, so I guess for you it depends what the outcome of the surgery on the 21st is? In my case we’ve been given the all clear to start trying again in 6 weeks, but every case is different. Hopefully for you it will really straight forward and easy! Thinking of you x

M1673402 profile image

There is no easy answer! Some say do ivf as quickly as possible as surgery will damage your ovarian reserve, others will advise do surgery first then you might increase chances of a natural pregnancy and not need ivf at all. It is a complete minefield and honestly down to what you feel is best. I’m in the same boat at the minute. Good luck on your journey, it’s not easy xx

Ke90 profile image
Ke90 in reply to M1673402

Thank you, thinking of you too. I honestly feel so low it's just hard to see the positives isn't it.

Good luck on your journey too. Xxx

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