Hi has anyone else put weight on since being diagnosed with endo I lost my birth weight after having my lil one but over this past year I've gone from an 8 to a 12 I'm not a big eater so all I can think of its endo that's made me put weight on. So before I speak to doctors about it I just wanna know if anyone else has x
Has anyone else : Hi has anyone else put... - Endometriosis UK
Has anyone else

Yh i have 😞 same as u, I'm not a big eater.I have gone froman 8 to 12 too!
For me, I'm presuming it's where I'm less active now. I used to walk everywhere, go to the gym etc. But now I struggle just walking to our local shop.
I look like I'm pregnant but I'm not.
So crap isn't it x
Same my daughter's are pregnant and I look like bigger than they are . I'm lucky enough to get perceived morphine patches a month ago witch help alot with the pain so I can get and go out I still have really bad days I just can't shift the weight now
Aww really 💕Crap isn't it 😞
All about the leggings & big tee now 😏
I'm thinking of asking my gp for patches! Was it a battle getting them? X
Not that hard they will try you with all the painkillers they can think of that has shown to help first the patches are called butec patches if you want to ask Ur doctor about them
Yh your right, they have.Will ask for that.
Thank u x
Your welcome good luck let me know if u managed to get them x
Yeah, I have always been the same size but I have put on over a stone over the last year since my endo has been bad. My waist has gone from a 6 to a 10/12. It's lack of activity for me, I'm just not burning my calories as I move like a snail and barely go anywhere atm. That coupled with endo belly I live in legging and joggers, which I've had to buy as my old one no longer fit. Miss my old skinny jeans and tight t-shirts, I spend 2 weeks a month looking about 5 months pregnant 😫 x