Pain all the time: Hello warriors! I feel... - Endometriosis UK

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Pain all the time

Celticwarrior1990 profile image

Hello warriors!

I feel quite released to have found this lovely site as it is starting to feel quite awkward to talk about with other people, I feel like no one understands me.

I am in pain all the time, everyday, every hour, it gets definitely worst when ovulating. My periods have been always very heavy, that's why I used to take the pill and then I had the coil for four years. This year I got the coil removed because I thought it was causing this pain! But now I see that wasn't the problem.

My pain is mainly in my left ovary, but sometimes I can feel it in the right one too. I've been in differents gynecologists but they don't see anything wrong, they say I am healthy but the pain is still there. Also, I suffer from low back pain, I think it may be connected!

Please somebody help me! I cry from anxiety sometimes! Being in pain all the time is not fair and I become very irritable with my beloved ones.

Thank you for being there! Noelia xx

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Celticwarrior1990 profile image
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10 Replies

Hi Noelia!

Such a pretty name by the way!

I feel your frustration deeply! Please know that your feelings are valid and you are an amazing woman to be getting through this! I found this place on the endo UK website and I'm so glad I did! I too have all these symptoms! It's frustrating and anxiety provoking, I find some days to be unbearable. I have to tell myself over and over again that I am a strong woman and I can get through the day!

My GP has been trialling different medications to try and help with the pain; these include Naproxen, co-codamol, Gabapentin and the mini pill. Has your GP tried anything to help with the pain? Or has it all failed to help. Xx

Celticwarrior1990 profile image
Celticwarrior1990 in reply to HolsBamboozledwomb

Thank you!!

Yes, I discussed these symptoms with my GP and they gave me some tablets for constipation... I also went to emergency once with pelvic pain and they gave me codeine (they almost kill me with that as they discovered I am intolerant to codeine and everything coming from opiates!!) So I need to be careful with pain killers. I usually take paracetamol and use a hot water bottle for the pain.

What would you recommend in my case? I honestly don't know what else to do. I am desperate. X

HolsBamboozledwomb profile image
HolsBamboozledwomb in reply to Celticwarrior1990

I find that opiates only help to a certain degree. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that! I hope you never have to go through it again!

I have found the gabapentin to help, it blocks the nerve signals to the brain, they are still messing with the dosage but I think they have helped, because when I'm in my interim pain it helps because I only take co-codamol on the evenings. Otherwise, hot water bottles are my none prescribed go to! Xx

Celticwarrior1990 profile image
Celticwarrior1990 in reply to HolsBamboozledwomb

Yes, I find heat very useful too! However I'd love to find a solution or a diagnosis at least! xx

Mince_LV profile image

I read in this site. That some girl was getting botox injections and nerv blockads for endo pain.. i souppous this coud be effective for some time.. but then you should repeat it after a while.

CryBaby91 profile image

Hi sweetie! I'm so sorry to hear you're not being taken seriously, sadly it's very common among people with endometriosis because it's such a misunderstood condition :( so please don't for one second think that just because no one has listened so far that there must be nothing wrong. I have been without answers for more than a decade and at one point I gave up finding them, I accepted maybe it was in my head. But things got way worse, and I know I'm not able to imagine blood in my urine! Noone has an imagination that good LMAO

Right, on to what has helped me pain relief wise. This may be long so hold on for an essay haha but I've tried loads and can give you some things to try :)

1. TENS machine- not a cure but a great distraction, doesn't help everyone but worth a bash. Please don't get an expensive one! I paid £20. And ignore anything that says it's 100% effective pain relief, it's bull hockey lol.

2. Supplements/herbal remedies- probiotics help with endo belly and other gastro symptoms, peppermint tea and ginger tea are great! Also get them in supplement form too, can be great for cramping and shoulder pain. Magnesium is highly talked about by endo sufferers so that's a good one! Just try stuff and see what works, took me a while to find the right brand of probiotics but worth it when i did. Epsom salt is amazing too, I use it in the bath and it's great for back pain.

3. Diet changes- I've cut out red meat and alcohol because I can't manage it anymore without vomiting horribly and having severe stomach cramps. Some people also can't tolerate wheat, gluten, milk, and soy. There's a diet you can follow to find your food triggers:) FOODMAP diet :) but again not a cure and won't help pain, more for stomach symptoms and bloating.

4. Heat heat and more heat! I see you use a hot water bottle, awesome :) have you seen the heated pads? You plug them in :) no filling the kettle!

5. Most of kind to yourself. Remember your body is raging all kinds of hell inside and you have to be careful with yourself. If you're having a bad day don't feel bad about that duvet day, have an extra long soak in the bath and do nice things for yourself. Self care goes a long way in reducing anxiety.

Try remember that you're strong and you've got this. Take things one day at a time and never feel bad about pestering your doctors! That's their job 😉 sending love and positive vibes xxx

Celticwarrior1990 profile image
Celticwarrior1990 in reply to CryBaby91

THANK YOU for this message and those lovely advices. I REALLY appreciate them.

I will definitely check out the herbal remedies as I always choose natural remedies. About the diet, I don't drink alcohol and I am a vegetarian!

Also, they removed my gallbladder two years ago and I follow a healthy lifestyle with exercise and fat free diet so that shouldn't be a problem for me!

I haven't heard about those heated pads tho! They sound lovely for when I am at work and can't take my hot water bottle with me!

I'm going to make a photo of your n.5 tho, as I need to be more patient and kind to myself... Sometimes I feel really bad for feeling bad and I don't tell anyone I'm feeling horrible that day... I would love to get into the bottom of this, it really would be a big relief! My partner just found a couple of doctors endo specialist so I may give them a call soon!

Thanks again for being there, sending love xxx

CryBaby91 profile image
CryBaby91 in reply to Celticwarrior1990

That's fab to hear, though I'm sorry you had to have your gallbladder removed, but veggie lifestyle will definitely be more endo friendly :) be ultra careful with soy products, they raise estrogen levels which sets endo off, i went vegan and was like why is this not helping haha then found out soy is as bad as red meat 🙄 can't win LMAO honestly the diet changes haven't helped me that much but some people swear by it, so it's always worth mentioning 🙂

Oh love we're all guilty of that I think! It's so easy to beat yourself up and really hard to give yourself a break, which is funny because we get beaten up enough by the world so doing it to ourselves is just daft haha. Just take things one day at a time :) highly highly agree with the endo specialist! I paid to see mine and now I'm on his NHS list awaiting surgery after all this waiting and being ignored. So definitely worth it if you're in a position to do so.

£20 on Amazon, best thing I've done :) it's never off 😂 my husband makes jokes about my "hot arse" all the time, now it's literally hot too 😉

Good luck babes! Xxx

Hayayaya profile image


This is me. I’m in pain all the time as well which worsens when I’m ovulating and on my period.

My pain first started off in my right ovary and I sometimes used to feel it in my left.

Most the time my back is just spread across my lower back and stomach..

I was also very frustrated and confused because I was in pain ALL the time, I was doubting whether it’s endo as I kept reading that endo pain is usually around your period only..

this forum is so so helpful for people like us as we are in pain allll the time. It can be very hard to have to keep speaking to loved ones about it as you feel like you’re boring them. However On this forum we are all pretty much in the same place and you can share however much you like and you get so many useful/helpful suggestions.

P.s - just for context, I had a lap and they found stage 1 endo

JOSANDY40 profile image

Hi there,Well is does sound like Endometriosis to me. Not all Endo can be seen. But saying that the left-sided of the body on a woman is more complex. Its got more bowel bends, the sciatic nerve which for any lower trunk, spine will produce inflammation, pain into groin, down legs etc. Endo as you know can twist the bowel and pull different parts like the ovaries and the nerves across the trunk can get reflected signs to other areas.

It has been found that adopting a gluten free and perhaps lactose free diet does lower the inflammation in the whole area. Eating more fruit and getting the pressure of poo in bowel out! To calm the area.

Anti inflammatory painkillers, A TENS Machine with 4 pads to gate the pain to the brain, It takes a bit of time to learn to use this but wonderful!

( Place 1 pad and other on the sides of hips. Not near ovaries. Try the setting back pain as a starter. Set the level til you can just about feel it, no. 3 or 4. Give it a few mins then turn the setting to 2 or 1. Within 5mins the pain will go less if that setting is right for you. The other 2 pads which I rarely used but those I would place at the bottom of the rib cage again on the sides towards the outer edge of the back).

Holland & Barrett Fennel Tea and Belladonna for spasms, pain.

Read up on FoodMAPS for soluble diets and intolerance.

Perhaps consider a new coil.

Perhaps consider a keyhole Operation for a more detailed view of ovaries and bowel.


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