Hi! I just agreed with my consultant a couple of days ago that I'll have a "full pelvic clearance" surgery for endometriosis.
I was pretty much obsessively worried about Endo before the appointment, and if anything could be done for me, and what that might be.
And now that I have an answer, I just can't focus for more than a few minutes!
I'm excited - they told me this surgery has a statistical success rate of 95 percent for resolving pain! Wow!
I'm scared silly - it's major surgery including a hysterectomy and removal of ovaries (with endometrioma) & fallopian tube (dilated, perhaps with Endo), as well as taking the appendix (Endo on that too) and Endo lesions, and a bowel shave for adhesions. That's going to hurt when I wake up after surgery.
I'm mildly disturbed that I'm not afraid to say good bye to my womb. It's been part of me all of my life, but I've always secretly wanted to adopt instead of having a pregnancy myself. I've always had this funny feeling that the world might already be overpopulated, but at the same time, there are little children who need loving homes. I realise this isn't a normal way to think about things, but that's just my own quirky view.... And maybe foreshadowing for me that I would struggle with infertility anyhow. I almost feel as though I should feel guilty that I don't feel grief at the prospect of losing my (extremely low probability) female power of reproduction.
So, yeah, I'm scared and excited and can't concentrate. I feel like I want to over-share my big news that I'll eventually have surgery with anyone who comes within earshot.
Any suggestions on how to concentrate? 😁