Hiya, I have a strange question about endo I hope you can help me with.
I get to be one of the rare, lucky few with endo on my appendix (and colon, and other places too).
I went to see the out-of-hours GP because I wasn't coping with the pain. The GP kindly gave me a remedy pack with codeine, diclofenac, and senna. The plan is to try to reduce the pain until I can see my regular GP, and then consultant (at BSGE accredited endo centre -Yay!).
In my pain addled mind, I'm trying to think about work on Monday. I've been working from home and have an ergonomic chair (also, yay!).
But... Ummm.... Ouch, ouch, ouch! How to work with an imaginary siren going off in my body?
I think this is what's called a flare-up because it's so much worse today. Maybe I will be lucky, and it will subside overnight. But maybe, it will stay the same.
So... I've already taken off all of the time (this year) I'm allowed without a special bespoke negotiation.
Normally, when you're off sick, you're healing up to go back. But, I'm not in the mending phase. I'm in the getting worse phase. So, time off won't help me to get better.
Ummmm. I have never faced this before. I genuinely don't know what to do. I could sit at my work chair (ouch), and try my best to work, and pray video-conferences don't coincide with when I start losing it and having a sorry-for-me cry.
I guess I'll just have to see what the morning brings, but I don't have a plan. This isn't like a flu when you know not to go to work because you are using too much tissue. This is strange stuff. I could call into work sick for the day, but what could I possibly say? "I have unrelenting pain and I've lost my mind"? That's not exactly confidence-inspiring for an employer. I love my job. I don't want to risk it by being seen as unreliable. Geepers creepers!
Any words of wisdom? Advice most welcome. 🌿🌼🌿