Conceiving children with endometriosis - Endometriosis UK

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Conceiving children with endometriosis

Rottielover101 profile image
8 Replies

I had my first laparoscopy 4 days ago. My endometriosis is being treated in conjunction with 2 years unexplained infertility. I have been told I will need further surgery in 3 months time and am having these awful implant injections to induce chemical menopause until then. After that I will be able to get back to trying to have a child. It is feeling like a very long and draining process at the moment with, of course, no guarantee of success at the end. Apart from the endometriosis there is no other reason why either my husband or I can’t have kids. Does anybody else have any experience of having difficulty trying to conceive with endometriosis?

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Rottielover101 profile image
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8 Replies
becca_bee profile image

Hi, I’m in a similar boat to you. We’ve been ttc since the end of 2019 without luck. In that time my endo got a lot worse and I had a cyst rupture on my ovary putting me in hospital last spring (great timing!) which damaged my ovarian reserves. In September I went private and had a lot of the endo, fibroids and remaining cyst removed and we were told to give it 6 months of trying once the injection to induce pseudo-menopause had worn off. For the last three months we’ve been trying again and no sign of success yet... next step will be ivf.

I know exactly how you feel about it being an exhausting and draining process. We’ve only been at this for the last year and a half and it’s completely taken over our lives. In the same time multiple friends of ours have tried with success to conceive and given birth. It’s very difficult to be as happy for people as you should be when you’re struggling with you’re own sadness.

I haven’t given up yet though, and neither should you. Give yourself plenty of time after the next surgery to heal and get over the injection. For me it took 4 months for my periods to come back and I’d imagine they’re still adjusting themselves. Use this time when you can’t be trying to focus on things you enjoy, especially as lockdown comes to an end. Although I hated the injection I did find it did give me some breathing space to think about other things since I physically couldn’t be trying. Also I was in far less pain (once healed from the lap) which really helped.

Remember to be kind to yourself, you’re body will be trying to heal itself and get ready to hopefully put you in a better position for conceiving.


Rottielover101 profile image
Rottielover101 in reply to becca_bee

I can relate so much to your story. It all sounds very familiar. I feel a little guilty about a part of myself being a little relieved that I can have a break from constant trying every month. Plus, if I hear one more story about a couple who decide to start trying on Wednesday and are expecting by the following Thursday I will be well on the way to becoming a bitter old woman 🙄!!!

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with me. It gives me a much clearer idea of what I can expect over the next year, especially as your story is so similar to mine. I have also had ruptured cysts. My injection is zoladex and I have to have one every month. Was yours the same?

You are so right about focusing on other things. It’s my birthday today and my husband has bought me a sea kayak!! Feeling super motivated to recover and get out on the river as soon as I can 😁. Xx

Stacey85 profile image

I'm seeing the endo specialists next week, I've waited a year. I've been trying to get pregnant around 1.5 yrs and I have a feeling they are going to do this to me until I can get another lap! What are you on? How old are you if you don't mind me asking? xx

Rottielover101 profile image
Rottielover101 in reply to Stacey85

I’m on a zoladex injection once a month. I’m 31 today 🙂 x

Harriet_health profile image

Hi I can very much relate, we have been TTC a year then I had surgery and excision of endometriosis and confirmation of Adenomyosis. We’re now on Clomid ant been trying 2 months. I’m really hoping it happens for us soon! I hope you have lots of success!

Roobs33 profile image

I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis about 6 moths ago - have been trying for over a year for a second child. It took me 1.5 years to conceive my 3 year old, but I was blissfully unaware that I had severe endometriosis. I had a laparoscopy in October and had very large cyst on ovary, all my tubes blocked and endo fusing my bowel to my womb. My consultant said that I must have had it for years so it’s very likely that it was bad when I managed to conceive the first time. It actually only happened when we gave up hope. I’ve been trying to do anything to make myself feel relaxed like yoga and have cut out all gluten and dairy. It’s so horrible not knowing what is going on inside and it puts a lot of pressure on daily life. I have been told that IVF might be the best option for me as I will have to have bowel surgery at some point too, so hoping to conceive before that. I wish you the best of luck with everything and hope you recover well from your laparoscopy. X

Jess1981 profile image

I've conceived naturally with my hubby 5 times following treatment of endometriosis- 2 chemical pregnancies - one before our 21 month old daughter Francesca the other one after we lost our daughter Amelia at 20 weeks pregnant last November. I'm currently 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant due November! I will add it took us 5 years and 10 months of TTC to get a diagnosis of endometriosis and following my third surgery we had our Francesca who took us a total of7 years of TTC- I was 37 having her and I'll be 40 having this one ( 40 on 10th November!) For us endo really was the "only issue" thankfully.

I took a good antenatal supplement, an all one bee propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly ( good for anti inflammatory and full of lots of vitamins) I also took serrapetase till ovulation ( as that can get rid of scar tissue) and evening primrose oil until I ovulated ( tracked by clear blue digital OPK and temping) I then ate pineapple from ovulation till 9 DPO as it can help implantation. I also took low dose aspirin as I take that in pregnancy. I made sure I ate loads of vegetables rich in folic acid as well as hubby who is glad not to be on the fertility diet anymore 🤣. Drank plenty of water to encourage blood flow and continued my running to release stress and anxiety and again encouraging blood flow until I tested positive I now just go for a daily 2 mile brisk walk with my daughter.

If you told me in my journey we'd not only have our Francesca but also a sibling ( actually 2 as we include our Amelia we lost at 20 weeks pregnant) I would have laughed. It felt like we'd never have a baby let alone anymore but I am so glad we kept fighting, it was so worth all the tears to get Francesca. It was awful to watch all our friends and family having babies we felt so isolated.

Always have hope miracles do happen Xx good luck I hope it's not long until you get good news Xx

Loveheart6 profile image

I have been ttc for two years now. One chemical pregnancy at Christmas (which completely broke me). I am having a laparoscopy next week and hysteroscopy. I live with severe pain especially on my right side. Hoping they will be able to remove ends and then start ttc again. I’m under the impression it will be 6 months then IVF but thats the best outcome. Really hoping its not severe. I don’t know anyone who suffers from eno and it all makes me feel very alone at times. So great to read other women’s stories. Wishing you all the luck in the world x

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