Hoping this is going to help. Just received it.
Anyone else trying other things? Xx
Hoping this is going to help. Just received it.
Anyone else trying other things? Xx
Hi yes I have that book it's really helpful.I am currently having acupuncture and trying to on my diet alongside doing castor oil packs. Luckily theres so much help and info out there these days for helping to heal from the root causes. I'm looking to take serrapeptase to help dissolve adhesions and a cyst. Wishing you health and wellness xx
It sounds interesting. Will continue to send updates on how that its working out for you. I have stage 4 and on morphine, which I never wanted to be on, but due to the excruciating pains caused by adhesions, cyst, fibroids and endo, looking for other solutions too.I've cut out soya, moderated how much dairy I eat, the same with wheats, and red meat. I hardly eat anything sugary or sweet.
Just don't know what else to do.
Have you tried CBD? I use it and it’s great! xx
No, but is it safe to have alongside other pain relievers?
Check with your GP, but I use it with paracetamol. Sometimes I don’t need the para at all xx
Hi I had a similar book by Amy stein which suggested exercises to help. It does work but took a long time to kick in.
I have that book. I found it fascinating and well worth a read. 🙂
Yes. Most of the diet advice TBH. It’s a lifestyle overhaul and it’s strict and sometimes hard to stick to but I found when I divert from the diet my endo flares up more. It’s sometimes hard to be so disciplined, especially in a global pandemic!
Hi. In order to manage my endo and various pains when the GPs told me that 'for endometriosis, there is nothing to be done' in February and March 2019, I identified the foods to which my body was reacting and I put myself on an exclusion anti inflammatory diet that removes: gluten, dairy, soya (these causes me a lot of pain and IBS-D symptoms which is physically very draining), chocolate (contains soya and milk), caffeine, brown rice, apples, tomato puree. Instead, I have gluten free bread, pasta, flour, cakes, coconut milk (anti inflammatory), vegan chocolate, decaff coffee. It is not easy every day, but if I deviate (which happens as we are all human), I do pay a heavy price straight away: that's my punishment! I also amalgamate my meals with the family meals so that I do not feel excluded (which can have a very negative psychological effect).
I also complement with magnesium glycenate (best absorption by the body and gentler on the stomach), vitamin D, iron, zinc.
All of the above posts are very good. Its a matter of finding what works for you that enable to live pain free and reduce the impact that this illness has on our life. x