Hey, how did you guys find out you had endometriosis? Did you have any symptoms? I had my period for 20 days most of it was black bleeding and not a normal period. But later it was normal. Now I got my period again hasn’t been a month and I have a lot of lower back pain. I don’t know if I should see a doctor?
Endo : Hey, how did you guys find out you... - Endometriosis UK

Hi there, I would say definitely see a doctor. Endo is such a tricky bloody thing, symptoms vary widely and minimal endo can cause severe symptoms and vice versa. I definitely get back pain but the reasons I really pushed for a diagnosis (it took years of being fobbed off sadly) were irregular bleeding, severe period pain, pain at other times in the month (especially ovulation) bowel problems, then pain post-period on my left side which turned out to be a large cyst (found during an ultrasound scan)
I’d say do a little research (endometriosis UK is a great source of info) and be firm with your doctor if they did try to fob you off. Lots of luck x
I just got my period so I’ll wait till it ends if it continues to be weird like my previous period I’ll definitely get it checked. I’m also sort of nervous since I’m only 17 and nervous to get involved in anything that will cause health problems so I’m sort of scared to face the reality of the situation
definitely see a doctor took me three months to get my doctor to refer me to a gynocologist i had laparoscopy yesterday and i have endemitroisis leaves me in pain constantly very isolating too so good luck
I’d always had very painful periods from my teens. In my early 30s began having a mid cycle bleed and scan showed cysts. During first lap they found extensive endometriosis. After two further laparoscopic ops I asked to be referred to Guys and st Thomas who are a specialist centre for endo. That was the first time i had proper investigation - try to get a referral to a specialist centre if you can. I did my own research and asked GP to refer. Good luck x
Hi, I would definitely see a doctor having bleeding for 20 days is not normal. My endometriosis never showed on scans but was suspected. Had a laparoscopy 6 months ago that confirmed stage 4. My symptoms were very painful periods, Back aches, ovulation pain, food intolerances, major bloating after eating meals my stomach would extend, nauseous every day and infertility. Before my diagnosis I went to a bunch of doctors all that ignored my symptoms but in my gut I knew something was not right happy I went to a specialist. Good luck to you.
I fell at work and had to have an x-ray of my pelvic area. The results showed a large chocolate cyst on my left ovary, so I made an appointment with my gynecologist. She was 99% sure I had endometriosis, and I had the my ovary and fallopian tube removed. I was also scraped - stage 2 endometriosis. In retrospect, I had signs of it since puberty - heavy painful periods, lots if tissue during my periods, nausea and headaches during my periods, severe bloating... Now I know. Both of my sisters were checked and found out they also had endometriosis. We're all in our 40s - both sisters had hysterectomies. One sister had a large cancerous mass in her uterus. I plan on getting a hysterectomy, as well. My periods are are still horrible, and the bloating is very painful.
I had very painful periods for months after having my son then backache and stabbing pains in my side, I had a laparoscopy and the results as expected were endo, then i had the symptoms years ago but was pregnant with my daughter so couldn't be treat until i had her.
Is it possible to have a baby with endometriosis?
I had the same problem. I got my period comes on a regular basis but after 10days black bleeding comes. Slow flow(watery like but black blood) accompanied with steady/shooting pain in my lower left side/rectal pain/ensomia/bloating and sometimes hurtburn. Got laparoscopic surgery almost 2yrs ago and found out I had stage 4 rectovaginal endometriosis. Trying to get pregnant for 3 yrs now with 1 failed IVF last july.