How many days does your endo (pain) last ? - Endometriosis UK

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How many days does your endo (pain) last ?

19 Replies

Mine currently lasts anything from 10 -14 days. I don't know why the difference in numbers.

Does diet/stress/lack of sleep affect the number of days?

Appreciate it!

M x

19 Replies
RunningMum11 profile image

Hey Mulan👋🏻 my endo pain lasts from 7- 10 days. I think it can differ due to the behaviour of your hormones at the time. Is your pain localised? Mine is on the left hand side and creates IBS. In my instance diet does help. Xx

in reply to RunningMum11

Ok thank you. :)

My pain mostly stems from 2 lumps that i have. 1 on right of C-section scar and the other is below my belly button that runs all the way across my scar to the left. I think diet helps somewhat. Dunno about other factors how they come into it.

M x

RunningMum11 profile image
RunningMum11 in reply to

You poor thing. It’s all so tiring isn’t it!😩Has the gynaecologist mentioned any sort of treatment for you, like ablation or anything? Xx

in reply to RunningMum11


If anything I have been told to avoid surgery due to having far too many adhesions/scar tissue as it is (I've had 4 C-sections so i am maxed out😁)

They said that it doesn't guarantee a cure ( these lumps can grow back sometimes worse than before) with having so many abdominal surgeries, chances are i'll have to keep repeating them every year or so and that the risks go up with each one! >< So I have dropped the idea of surgery a long time ago. I refused pills/coil/HRT.

I have chosen the route of anti-inflammatory/endo diet and gentle exercise which is helping but early days yet. They said you had to be on the diet a year to see a real difference. So here i am taking each day as it comes.

It's more than tiring. Its a frustrating lonely place to be. But we carry on I guess. This is my new normal and i am trying to adjust to it.

Between a rock and a hard place. That's my new home!

Wishing you some relief too.

M 💕

RunningMum11 profile image
RunningMum11 in reply to

How horrid to feel in such a place😢 I will just say, my issues now are mainly due to peri menopause and hormones - lack of 😁 However before this, I did go down the Mirena coil route. It was the best thing I ever did. Helped A LOT!! Maybe it’s something you could try as a Plan B.

Just keep hanging in there🙏🏻. Xx

in reply to RunningMum11

Thank you. I guess I'll look into it. These days i am just not in a good place mentally and I don't feel like doing anything anymore. I wouldn't say that I have given up trying to find some pain relief but there are days when i couldn't care less if i didn't. There are many ups and downs. I am on a down at the moment. I feel deflated, and so alone with this condition. Sorry for the rant!


RunningMum11 profile image
RunningMum11 in reply to

You rant away! Sometimes things can just become overwhelming can’t they, and you’re only human. When we feel low it’s hard to feel positive, so simply recognise that that’s the reason you’re not really caring at the mo. Just hang in there you won’t feel like this forever. But it really is worth trying the mirena, it might just be the answer. Or at least have the conversation with your GP.

You are not alone. Message anytime, even if it’s just to have a rant. Xx😊

in reply to RunningMum11

Thank you for your kind words 💕. Appreciate it. Yes its just one of those days and by days i mean daaaays 😅

I'll look into it when this corona thing boils over. I can't even get my routine blood tests done, let alone see GP. Spoke to him last week and he's just told me to give it another few weeks😕. So hopefully when things get back to normal.

I assume you had the coil for a while for it to have given you some relief. Are you still using it? What relief did it give you? Thanks!

M xx

RunningMum11 profile image
RunningMum11 in reply to

I first had the mirena coil 10yrs ago. Omg I was so I did. I had far less pain during my periods and hardly bled each month. Some women stop bleeding completely. This helps the endo from getting worse. I still have the coil now, but I’m peri menopausal so all my hormones are up & down so experiencing more pain. Not sure if it’s the endo hurting or ibs pain as a result of endo on my bowel. I’ve just been referred for an ultra sound. Xx😊

in reply to RunningMum11

Glad its working. I am peri-menopausal too. Hot flushes, hair loss, mood swings

( anyone? haha) yes all the subtle things. Bleeding used to be heavy (10 days max) but now it seems to only last 3-4 days spotting by day 5, so there's that. However still bleed a lot from time to time, hence the low iron levels. Blood clots used to be bad but those getting better too. However despite that, endo pain not any better. I really dread getting my next period, i really do, ><

M xx

RunningMum11 profile image
RunningMum11 in reply to

It’s hard to tell what my periods are actually doing because of having the coil. But the doctor thinks my chocolate cysts and endo are causing more pain due to the hormone imbalances of the peri menopause. It’s odd as the bad pain starts at the end of my period🥴. It behaves like ibs too so who know. The joys of getting older😂🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 I totally get the dread of the next period. I’m the same. I just seem to finish with all the pain symptoms have a few days grace, then start the whole process again. It all getting rather boring now😆

So hope you get sorted soon, it’s just no fun at all. Xx

in reply to RunningMum11

Hey! I have been saying that for ages. Mine gets so much WORSE when my period finishes. I even wrote a post on that on here. I have no idea why it does that! Drives me crazy! You'd think the pain would subside when the bleeding stops right? Nope! o_O

Yes same here, have a few days rest, start enjoying life again and then back to square one! UGH...Yes the joys of getting older...:not😂 Boring it is!!!

M xx

in reply to RunningMum11

PS: how did you discover it was on your bowels? >< That must hurt!! Hope you get a good result from your scan. Wish you all the best.

RunningMum11 profile image
RunningMum11 in reply to

Just seen your ps😊 I discovered it was on my bowel through having a laparoscopy. I was getting bowel symptoms every time I had a period. The coil helped so much.

Thank you for the support. X

in reply to RunningMum11

Hey anytime.💕 We need all the support we can get. I am more than happy to hear you out anytime. Families/friends and others as lovely as they are dont really understand the magnitude of this beast condition! >< But people like you and me and others on here do. Its comforting knowing that you're not alone in this.

I am here for a rant or for just unloading frustrations on 😂

Take care

M xx

RunningMum11 profile image
RunningMum11 in reply to


Harriet_health profile image

Mine is definitely 10-12 day’s...and I think diet sometimes helps but then I have a “ perfect” month of eating and I have the occasional monster flare up so 🤷‍♀️ endo is a beast!

in reply to Harriet_health

You're like me. Half the month in pain. sigh..><

It's a beast alright! haha. You've described it exactly. And you're right even when doing everything right is still manages to hurt like anything! I am wondering if anything else aggravates it. Stress? lack of sleep? Breathing? 😂😂. On a serious note... I agree it is so unpredictable. And merciless.

Wishing you relief soon. I really do.

M xx

Lovedsibling profile image

Well mine lasts more than 15 days

N mostly after my periods finish

N this time tau the intensity has reduced but it’s pretty much there

In another post I asked for natural remedies

Plz share recipes esp ginger tea

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