Did anyone take progesterone with endo when pregnant or aspirin slightly worried and don’t know where to turn
Anyone who has had a successful pregnancy... - Endometriosis UK
Anyone who has had a successful pregnancy .did you take aspirin or progesterone?worried don’t know where to turn

I took aspirin in the 2ww but then switched to prednisone instead after a positive test ( low dose steroid) till 12 weeks as I have slightly raised NK cells. I took cyclogest from a positive test till 12 weeks too. Both were on advice from my fertility doctor. I asked/insisted to my GP for extra progesterone who had to run it past my fertility dr first who reviews on a case by case ( his assistant shot me down but he had the final decision & thought it could be beneficial for me) the pregnancy was successful my daughter has just turned one. Congratulations on your pregnancy xxx

Thankyou I’ve had to see if I can get hold of my endo doctor as midwife said I need guidance if I take aspirin or progesterone but I used it before I got pregnant to manage my endo and took aspirin aswell not sure what to do or where to get guidance ,can you buy prednisone over the counter ?
Prednisone requires a prescription unfortunately because it is a steroid. I would definitely ask/push for extra progesterone as 1) ladies with endo have lower progesterone levels 2) it won’t do any harm to use them. I know you had a previous miscarriage so you’re well within your rights to request extra progesterone support. The GP will need a gynae to authorise it as it’s not a medicine they will normally prescribe. Get your Endo dr to agree. xxx
I didn’t take anything throughout mine and everything was fine x
Hi I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant and have been advised by my consultant to continue with aspirin up until 32 weeks as it can “do no harm” in his opinion. I had an ivf pregnancy so I was taking a lot of different drugs up until 12 weeks including progesterone. I would suggest you talk to your midwife and GP.
Thanks x
Do you take 75mg aspirin ?thankyou really don’t know how to explain things as they don’t know what endo is
Yes I take 75mg a day and will do now until 32 weeks but I previously had a miscarriage and have an IVF pregnancy so do think I’ve got a higher risk pregnancy. That’s a shame. I think it’s best to try and discuss with a medical professional if you can. Take care x
I had a misscarrige too hence my worry I’ve just got an email of the endo doctor saying I don’t need to take anything but I’m still worried x
Thing is my misscarrige was quite late 12.5 so placenta should have took over by then x
Oh that’s so sad. I’m so sorry. My doctor didn’t say I needed to take mine he just said I could continue with it as it wouldn’t do any harm if that helps so I think I also could have stopped but thought I’d continue just in case x
I didnt use either in my first or second pregnancy. First ended in miscarriage and 2nd is my nearly 4yo daughter. I took Crinone and cyclogest progesterone in 3rd pregnancy (IVF) but still had a miscarriage. Took Crinone in my 4th (also IVF) and am currently 34 weeks. Not sure if the progesterone made any difference, I've had both a successful and unsuccessful pregnancy with and without progesterone.
Hiya thankyou so much for your reply I guess you never really know what causes misscarrige that’s what I’m so worried about as had no investigations .my endo doctor does ivf aswell and didn’t recommend anything so I guess he knows he also pointed out how common misscarrige is.im probably just a bit scared I may loose this baby.also I know everyone takes them till 12 weeks but I lost my last baby at 12.5 so probably nothing wrong with my progesterone.just finding as it’s a natural pregnancy I haven’t really got much guidance as no one knows what endo is .
My progesterone levels were actually ok but with private IVF I think the clinics just like to throw everything at it, just in case. It's understandable that you're worried, even if you were given aspirin or progesterone you'd still worry having already had a miscarriage. Unfortunately all you can do is take it one day at a time and hope for the best. Good luck!