Hey everyone,
The past couple of periods ii have had,
Before Iv come on.. Iv has the worst stomach cramp ever, my whole stomach cramps up and ii can’t walk get up move nothing except roll around and cry for ten mins till it passes, then in just left with a sore stomach.
I’m on the coil, and I’m taken norethisterone 3 a day at the moment for constant bleeding caused by the coil.
I’m wondering whether it’s worth having the coil removed. Before i had it, ii hardly had periods. Since having it without this tablet ii am also taken ii come on my period and it last almost 3 weeks it’s draining and ii really do not wanna take this tablet much longer makes me eat constantly.
So ii was just wondering..
does anyone else have them sort of cramps? As it’s been the last couple of times does it mean it’s getting worse?,
I’m due my next gyno app April 21st xx