Contractions : Hey everyone, The past... - Endometriosis UK

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Littleone88 profile image
32 Replies

Hey everyone,

The past couple of periods ii have had,

Before Iv come on.. Iv has the worst stomach cramp ever, my whole stomach cramps up and ii can’t walk get up move nothing except roll around and cry for ten mins till it passes, then in just left with a sore stomach.

I’m on the coil, and I’m taken norethisterone 3 a day at the moment for constant bleeding caused by the coil.

I’m wondering whether it’s worth having the coil removed. Before i had it, ii hardly had periods. Since having it without this tablet ii am also taken ii come on my period and it last almost 3 weeks it’s draining and ii really do not wanna take this tablet much longer makes me eat constantly.

So ii was just wondering..

does anyone else have them sort of cramps? As it’s been the last couple of times does it mean it’s getting worse?,

I’m due my next gyno app April 21st xx

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Littleone88 profile image
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32 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hello I have these labour pains for hours on end and I don’t have the coil.

For me I would say my symptoms are becoming worse, maybe at your appointment they will investigate further for you xx

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Oh wow, hours ?? How do you cope. I really thought it wasn’t going to end and i was going to have to ring 999, ☹️ It’s only happened twice now, so I’m assuming mine is spreading and getting worse can’t deal

With this every month. xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Littleone88

I know how you feel.

I take codeine but that doesn’t take it all away. Often end up in hospital on morphine. Never felt pain like this. My GP says it is labour pains without actually being in labour. It’s horrendous. Do you take any pain relief at all to help? Xx

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to AllthatGlitters

No i didn’t i couldn’t move out of bed it caught me of guard, if it would of gone on longer i was considering ringing my mum to come round but was sooo early in the morning i felt so stupid tht it was happening ☹️ I’m gona put some meds in my top drawer next to my bed now for next month incase it happens. Maybe cocodamol will help that’s the strongest i got i think Xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Littleone88

Don’t ever feel stupid, your body is obviously trying to do something just like mine and it’s not normal. This amount of pain is very hard to deal with. Please ask your doctor for stronger medication as you shouldn’t have to suffer like this x 💖

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thank you so much, i Will speak to my dr tomo, and see what they can prescribe, thank you 😊 xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Littleone88

Hope you get some relief soon. X

PaoPetite profile image

It’s the first time I read someone else comparing the cramps with labour pain.... that’s exactly how I describe my pain to doctors, people and friends! For me for the past 6 years I have had contractions every time the period comes and in my ovulation to the point i pass out because I can’t handle it....

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to PaoPetite

Yes this is how ii described it to my friend, said it was like labour only longer and ii didn’t receive a baby lol. Or any pain relief ☹️

I also thought i was going to pass out, from maybe the heavy deep breathing i was doing trying to get myself through it. Imagine that happening somewhere in town?? Or whilst eating out ? Luckily both times ii have been in bed xx

PaoPetite profile image
PaoPetite in reply to Littleone88

It has happened to me at work..: restaurants and many more 🤷🏻‍♀️it is sudden unfortunately.

Lucky you were home.

Hope you feeling a bit better 💛

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to PaoPetite

Oh I’m so sorry ☹️ Yes i am

Thank you. xx

Lulububs profile image

Oh dear me yes!!! Mine started again as they do every day i come on my period the pain is horrific i was awake all night , now im drained and sore in my left hand side.

Im 45 and NOTHING medication wise has helped... BUT i have found that as soon as u think it coming IBUPROFEN.... cocodamol ( otc) ... and ice..... a little bag of ice on the area... its inflammation in the ovary for me i think only left one no pain in right side at all... it has me crying...

No pill, no coil NOTHING has worked.. ive given up.

I have had 3 laps and nothing....

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Lulububs

Oh god the thought of nothing helping is draining, ii will keep some pain medication next to my bed next time. Ii was completely taken back this time it was 1.30am and woke me up was so painful and long and the only thing ii could do was roll around crying.

One day hopefully we all find help in easing the pain xx

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Littleone88

Yeh it is draining , i dread my periods and i have tried everything coil, trans acid, mef acid, every pill there is goin and it all helps for about 3-4 months then it stops and im back to square one...

It was something my mum said to me “ dont let the pain get u first” as in try to get to it before it gets to u, so as soon as i feel it coming i start ibup.... then i take cocodamol 30/500 if u can get from ur dr or 8/500 over the counter. I got to say it does work..... if u can hit it before pain kick in

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Lulububs

Brilliant thank you, ii will keep this in mind next time my period is due and hopefully can stop it before it starts thank you xx

Afrohair profile image

It sounds like coil Dosent agree with you I had these symptoms on pill but now off it they are few and far between I believe it’s when you first start your hormones drop and you develop more Estrogen when bringing progesterone into the mix it starts to dominate slightly.until it can completely take over for me I had to get off the pill and felt better not having those cramps I don’t think it’s the tablet causing issues as that tablet just causes clotting of blood I’ve had that myself hope my comment helps

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Afrohair

It seems like since they put me on the coil everything seems worse, heavier longer bleeding, these awful cramps. It’s been 7 or 8 months now and ii see no improvement. There trying to make me wait 18 months for it to work fully. I’m at the point of it being removed tho. Will see what they suggest next app/

Thanks for your input 😊

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Littleone88

Oh sorry for that they are fobbing you off !try be a bit more assertive tell them you want it out and something doing in regards to treatment eg a laparoscopy the pill did that to me within two month I took myself off it just so you know I saw an endo specialist and he was the one who advised me if symptoms worsen they are not helping so I should try something else x

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Afrohair

Ii tried to ring the day After ii had the really and cramping and they gave me an appointment for like 4-5 weeks later for it to be taken out and everything discussed, and to keep ringing every week for cancellations. So hopefully something pops up sooner and ii can chew there ear off. Thank you so much 😊 hope u find some relief soon too xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Littleone88

Thankyou that’s ridiculous are you allowed to ask your local contraception clinic for it out x

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Afrohair

I rang them they said they wouldn’t remove it because it was put in under hospital care for medical reason. ☹️ So I’m stuck with it for another month or so Xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Littleone88

That’s ridiculous should be personal choice I’d go back to g.p they should have a nurse demand it out sorry but nhs get me mad always think they have a say over someone else’s body not too long ago they thought they had a right to operate on me and I had a hissy secretary calling me up when I didn’t go through with it why do they care ?

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Afrohair

Ii know it’s ridiculous isn’t it, our bodies our choice but nhs wanna Pass the job to someone else. Ii can’t see why it matter who bloody removes it just want it out.

The feeling of having No1 to turn to it massive disappointment.

Wow what operation did they try and make you do??

Last time ii went to my dr about removing it she said if they remove it all they can then offer me is hormone replacement ?

Which ii most definitely will not do ii have onlt jst turned 31. Xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Littleone88

They offered me a lap with someone trained in general medicine not endometriosis!! I stupidly signed the paper work like you do and cancelled next day as I wanted someone else to benefit from their experience because there expertise was not going to help me I would not be cut open for them to transfer me elsewhere secretary phoned me up even sent me a horrible letter about me cancelling and said I should re refer my self back to them I’d already gone for a private opinion by then they would not let it go that I didn’t want the appointment any more

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Littleone88

Try managing with diet etc I’m not on any hormones now I wanted to try the coil as it worked for me in the past but I darent and this is why !I don’t want someone telling me when to take it out .ive always gone to my nurse and My contraception clinic seem really good but god knows it’s so annoying even without endo not everyone wants false hormones in my body I’d not been on any for 3 years till endo they tried pushing them on me

Whoisthis profile image
Whoisthis in reply to Littleone88

Sorry but I agree you should go in and demand removal, book a nurse appointment? Or go private

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Whoisthis

Ii think private is the only way anyone can get anything done these days. Ii most definitely thought a sexual Health clinic would of removed it they have specially trained drs for coil removals. Xx

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Littleone88

There awful they think the whole answer is the coil and it not for some...

I had it as they swore it would cure me blah blah and nope!!!

The prob u the have is ur stuck with something inside u that they refuse to take out... which they honestly think ur making it up if u tell them u feel ill on it.

It took me 8 months..... to get them to take it out!!!

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Lulububs

8 months to remove it ?? Oh my god this is terrible it’s our bodies we know how we feel. That’s terrible. The worst is we can’t do nothing about it even if we tried it’s stuck in there. Have you tried implant or injection? Did either of them give any relief or Stop periods Altogether?? Xx

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Littleone88

No unfortunately. Ive tried everything.. sometimes it will work for couple months but the problem i have with everything so far is they say “ oh u prob wont have a period on it”

I have a permanent one!

I took cerazette permanent period .. 4 months i put up with it.

So for me at least if im not on anything i only have one period

Littleone88 profile image
Littleone88 in reply to Lulububs

Yeah that’s how ii have been so far just constant period.. well 3 weeks out of 4, this is what ii said before ii had the coil ii literallt had 2 days of brown discharge a day of bleeding and then another 2 days of brown discharge. A lot of pain but I’m still getting that now too so 🤷🏻‍♀️ seems pointless xx

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Littleone88

Yeh i have tried everything and no matter how bad i am without help its better then being on period constantly!!

Im totally drained...

I stopped taking cerazette friday as i have bled for 4 month... i may have 4-6 days off but then im back into it again and im left lethargic and spotty ( at 45) and THE MOODS.... my husband does not know which one of us is gona kill the other one first.. coz in permanently on pmt....

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