Hi all, just a quick post to see what foods people find triggering for endo and what kind of symptoms you get if you do eat these foods?
Triggering foods for endo. : Hi all, just a... - Endometriosis UK
Triggering foods for endo.

Hi AG22 , for me it’s definitely been dairy, and I found that when I cut it and reduced meat this made a big difference to my pain. I still have pain although it’s now mostly only for one day, and I believe coffee, sugar and bread are also very strong contributors so I’m working on reducing these to the minimum as well.
Best of luck! X
I’ve completely cut sugar, carb and alcohol which always made me so bloated that I looked about 6 months pregnant . I’ve been feeling great on Keto diet, minimal pain and no bloating. I have limited my lactose intake as well but still eat low lactose dairy products.
The endo diet still a “myth” that’s what doctors tell you, but I did try for a period of 8 months and I did see a change specially cutting out red meat, it took a lot of courage and determination for me to do it but I am glad I did, I hardly eat read meat now... I can’t stop eating cheese but overall my body reacted differently when I was doing the diet, I don’t think the pain goes away that’s not true at least in my expiren it never went away.... avoiding gluten, lactose and read meat helped me to reduce the symptoms like bloated stomach, it reduced the bloating but not entirely it was easy for me to do number 2 without leaving traumatised the restroom 🚽.... overall you feel a lot lighter, every single body it’s different and tbh I have tried everything just to find what’s suitable for me.
It’s always better to give it a go.
Start slowly once day a week cutting read meat, then another day lactose free and so on and then your body will tell you what’s best for it 😉
All the best 💛💛💛
I think I slightly agree with Pao been on diet almost a year it’s no cure but it helps with symptoms endo still grows regardless I’m not sure if I have triggers if I really want something not on the diet list I will just have a few bites e.g if I sAw a snicker I have a few bites chicken I will eat two small pieces diced I don’t see what harm it can do it’s about moderation after all we have to live our lives I never dieted until endo never needed to but did realise I don’t bloat anymore at all wish I knew at the time endo caused me bloating as I always thought I was just fat
Not sure how true this is but my endo consultant advised to eat as many tomatoes in different forms that you can.. eg 6cans in every bolognaise or pasta dish , tomatoes with everything ( sauce counts too) . Really good for reducing it apparently .
Never heard of that or seen a study on it but turmeric and grapes yes.i would have thought tomato would cause inflammation cause of acidity lots of people can’t eat lots of toms and would have to be vegetarian bolognsise cause mince is red meat ?
A1 caesin dairy (cow's milk): crippling pain, severe diarrhea and or vomitting (family history of issues with it so may not be 100% endo)
Gluten: intense low back pain, no bowel control 😳
Wine fortified or normal: abdominal pain spikes.
Too much sugar: major bloating
I avoid red meat and caffeine for good measure as I don't feel like them. Too much soy brings on a flare up (due to spikes in estrogen I think)
As already stated the diet is about symptom control. It won't cure you or stop regrowth.
For me organic meat is fine, especially as I need extra iron. What helped for me personally was cutting out bread, potatoes, and refined carbs. So instead of eating potatoes I have sweet potatoes instead. But I honestly think everyone is so different. Some people say meat and dairy effects them, but it doesnt effect me at all. It's best to cut out certain foods and to slowly introduce them back into your diet to see what effects you. That's what I did- the AIP diet. Good luck x