Work after Laparoscopy : I’ve had... - Endometriosis UK

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Work after Laparoscopy

Afroaye profile image
12 Replies

I’ve had laparoscopy for endometriosis 4 weeks ago. They removed 2 cysts and a lot of endometriosis. I had to be given blood during the surgery and stay in hospital for 2 nights so they could monitor. I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis. I was signed off work for 4 weeks. I went to my Gp to get a medical note for a phased return to work for 2 weeks, and he said he would have happily signed me of another 2 weeks. However as I felt bad I decided to go with the phased return to work. When I got to work today my line manager said he “personally doesn’t agree with it, and that you’re either fit for work or you’re not”. But ultimately it’s not upto him as this is a HR matter. I’m really annoyed. He obviously doesn’t understand the extend of the surgery and the amount of pain I’ve been in. A week after my surgery I ended up at A&E due to bowel impaction. I still have a lot of pain during a bowel movement and even when passing wind. I can’t stand for too long. And my stomach looks as if I’m atleast 5 months pregnant and the bloating hurts a lot (I had a baby 4 years ago). I literally feel like an idiot now cause I wish I had just taken the sick note instead of being made to feel like crap. Wish people could be more understanding :(

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Afroaye profile image
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12 Replies
Afrohair profile image

That is ridiculous go back to your gp and get a sick note starting from today I’m off sick now and I won’t even talk to them I don’t feel it’s works business I just get my partner to hand the sick note every 2 weeks I don’t plan to go back even they can sack me on sickness ground for all I care

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Afrohair

I took a photo of my sick note and emailed it to my manager 2 mins after I came out of my GP appointment; they seemed happy with that!

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to luthien

I always take a copy on my phone in case there are any problems we shouldn’t have to go knee deep into our personal lives it’s hard enough as it is my partner Dosent even want me to go back they keep calling but I don’t pick up just hand my note in they can talk to me on my return to work if I return and I always turn up for my shift when the note runs out at the time of my shift starting they haven’t done me any favours they took my supervisory role away so I don’t owe them anything

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Afrohair

They shouldn't sack you but it depends on your contract / employee handbook that you sign when you started; mine has "contact days" where once a month they need to contact you to find out how you're doing and when you plan to come back to work, there's no medical stuff, just an idea of when you would feel ready, it's a work responsibility, more so if you're still being paid a full salary. Sickness benefit is paid from the government so work isn't too bothered about that bit so may not get in touch, but I think you lose that if you don't have a job. If you don't want that contact then I think they class that as your failing, and can sack you but it won't be sickness based, just an FYI to be careful x

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to luthien

I never knew that they did say I must keep in touch but I feel like they just want me to come back because I’m a supervisor or was a supervisor!and lots of supervisors are off sick with only one remaining now the manager has also left perhaps I will email them to show I’m in touch the company pay me sick pay which is the same as if I was to work 😳minus £100

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to Afrohair

Definitely email, perhaps just say you've been off and been focusing on recovering, therefore you've not really been talking to people hence not answering the phone - keep it short. Maybe suggest a time, day and frequency you'd like to call. That way you're being proactive and don't need be available all the time and they know there's a set time you'll be available and can talk. As much as you're not bothered about going back you don't want them to think that just yet!

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to luthien

Yeah your right I think there getting irritated at minute cause I’m getting paid and I’m not working maybe I’ll send an Xmas card lol

luthien profile image

Ah no that all sounds awful.

Can you go back to your GP and explain what work has said? Explain that work would rather ignore the phased return; I think work can as it's only a suggestion. Perhaps explain to your GP how you've tried but just feel it would be too much stress and exhaustion; that you thought you'd be okay but actually you'd rather take the time off. Remember it's your recovery and your health, you take as long as you need and if the GP is suggestion another two weeks take it, they don't offer those that often!

I tried one day back at work and went to my GP; she just signed me off for another two weeks saying that sometimes work can be unforgiving when it comes to surgery recovery and just expects us to be 100% when that just isn't the case. She says she would rather just sign off for another x weeks than suggest we struggle as often we'll just tire ourselves out and need to be signed off anyway.

Just make sure your sick notes all say post op recovery or something along the lines of what the first says so it'll give you peace of mind when it gets handed to HR; they know it's all for the same thing. Sometimes with work it's just better to be signed off and go back when you're better; you know where you stand and they know you'll cope with the usual workload again.

If your GP does on the day appointments or fast ones see if you can get one today or tomorrow explain to the secretary that work is pushing you to go back to 100% which isn't fair and causing you upset / stress, so they can get you seen ASAP, Self certifying for an operation recovery isn't going to be seen nicely by HR as it's individual instances off, you need it as one complete sign off so you can just rest and recover. If you can get an appointment tomorrow, then call work and say you're going to your GP to be re-assessed and that you'll be off; explain that to your GP when you go. I've had to do that with one of my recovery times.

Hope that helps x

Lyns88 profile image

What an absolute idiot! What does he know about the pain Ur in NOTHING I bet. I'm 9 weeks post laparoscopy and still not back to work- stage 4. My recovery has been awful 🤦🏼‍♀️ I had alot of work done around my bowel, and still am struggling when using the toilet, plus I can hardly stand up straight for more than 20mins. I work in a job I don't sit down and constantly lifting.- so it's a big no no!

Your work should be supporting you, not making you feel worse, your prob emotional enough at this time! Personally I would go tell Ur gp you don't feel ready , it's all about to much to soon.

Rest is important x

StefaniaJW profile image

Unfortunately you need to get as much as you can get. The surgeon who performed surgery on you should have advised you better. It's not the manager's fault, I see his point of view, which is actually beneficial for you given he's rather see you stay home if you're unfit to work. Sometimes such advanced surgery required up to 6 weeks of leave before you're fit to work.

Cysts + endo on the bowel suggests a lot more than stage 3 endometriosis.

Afroaye profile image

Thanks for your reply. My consultant said it was stage 3 endo, so that’s what I’m going by. You’re right in terms of the healing time taking a long time. I guess I wanted to try and get back to normal. I don’t think there’s such thing as you’re either fit for work or you’re not. The ‘May be fit for work’ medical is there to allow certain measures to be put in place to allow you to perform you’re best. I don’t building up my hours in 2 weeks is less beneficial than not having me at all. I do feel my manager is at fault for making it seems it’s literally black and white.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Afroaye

I’ve used the maybe fit for work and they had to adjust my role .I think the manager was harsh saying that !and don’t have to go by stages it’s just a guide you might have had a tiny bit on the bowl and they put the stage up because of the area it’s long as you can preserve your fertility that’s the main thing and as long as your not in pain anymore! stages just make it sound like you have it worse when really you may be in less pain than others at stage 3/4

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