Tips for Laparoscopy?: Hi everyone! I... - Endometriosis UK

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Tips for Laparoscopy?

Abbs7664 profile image
20 Replies

Hi everyone!

I finally got a date for surgery after waiting since February! I've never been more excited to have an operation, but I'm sure you guys will understand!

My surgery is due to take place on the 12th, so I don't have very long to prepare. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice for the procedure, what to pack, and for recovery?


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Abbs7664 profile image
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20 Replies
abichesh101 profile image

Hi there. I've had 2 inthe past for different health reasons but have my 3rd on 6th nov to see if I have endo. Tips I would give is peppermint tea and peppermint oil capsules for after as you will have lots of wind. I always take an overnight bag just incase you have to stay in. I need to be booked in by 7.30am but surgery wont be till after lunch as always along waiting time so take magazines or a friend to keep you company. I take purdeys vitamin drinks with me for after the op to get me hydrated and sugars up. Make sure they prescribe painkillers for you before you leave if you need them. Loose fitting clothing for after as your tummy will be quite swollen from the gas and tender from op.

Abbs7664 profile image
Abbs7664 in reply to abichesh101

Thank you! Will have to go and stock up on the peppermint tea. Hope your op goes well x

Vickysponge357 profile image
Vickysponge357 in reply to abichesh101

I am also booked in for the 6th! I will think of you on Wednesday!

This will be my first lap and I’ve seen so many ladies post in here and the Facebook support group different stories of how they were after so I don’t really know what to expect after except gas pain which is pretty consistent across most ladies stories

abichesh101 profile image
abichesh101 in reply to Vickysponge357

I will be thinking of you too. If you want to private msg me I'm on Instagram as abichesh. This is my 3rd lap but my first for investigating possible endo. In so nervous they wont find anything and have no answers to give me for the pain I get.

Vickysponge357 profile image
Vickysponge357 in reply to abichesh101

To check I have the right person, is yours the account with the photos of the pretty black and white kitty’s? (If so your cats look like mine! ☺️☺️)

Thecraftyadder profile image
Thecraftyadder in reply to Vickysponge357

So yay you've got a lap booked! Really hope you get some answers from it!

BrightLights88 profile image

Awww I'm so happy you finally have a date. Yes I know the feeling I waited 11months for a lap date, then end up referring myself to a bsge centre and discharged myself from gynae. Within 3 months endo specialist centre gave me a surgery date. I too was excited to pack my night bag just incase, and so excited on the surgery date I felt like this will be a closure of some sort for me.

Pack: Extra underwear and one that preferably sits about your waist line as you will have two incisions on your thigh crease and wearing a underwear that sits on that will be irritating and painful. I end up buying the briefs that looks like shorts from primark they really helped to sit above my incisions.

Pads: get the night pads that are thick. Some bleed after the surgery. when you wake up you will feel strange down there, they will leave you with a disposable light weight underwear with some surgical gauze down below after surgery so when you recover and go to the toilet you can change into proper underwear and put on a clean pad. I didnt really bleed but when I got changed out of my gown there was a big stain of blood on my gown which happened during the surgery.

Night dress- you will need a night dress or a loose hoody and leggings.

Slippers- avoid shoes just take a slide on slipper, preferably fluffy ones as they can keep you toes warm when your leaving hospital.

That's all I packed, as it is a day surgery. When I got home j drank lots of peppermint tea which helped. You will be constipated for atleast 7 days. So try and not be worried and drink some yakhult or actimel drinks to get the bowel working quick. No one wants to be constipated whilst had lap.

You will need hot water bottle for a week too for the back pain. I was lucky to not have shoulder pains for the gas but some people do, so water bottle might be needed for the shoulder.

Other than that you will need loose fitting clothes at home, and a shower gel that is not got any preservatives or scent. "Simple" brand is good for when you have showers you will need to use this type of shower gel till the stitches have fallen off. Always pat dry the incision area.

I am having my follow up in 1 week time since the surgery.

Good luck lovely hope all goes well.x

Abbs7664 profile image
Abbs7664 in reply to BrightLights88

Thank you so much, I'll add those to the shopping list!x

Sofia672 profile image

Hello, I bought a u shaped pillow from Ikea which was really helpful. It was handy for the journey home and for support when sleeping and sitting.

I also took a wheat heat bag which could be heated up. It helped so much. I ended up staying in over night and although they wouldnt heat up a hot water bottle they would heat the wheat bag up as it doesn't get as hot. Hope it goes well x

Abbs7664 profile image
Abbs7664 in reply to Sofia672

I never thought about a heat bag rather than hot water bottle! Thanks x

Lindle profile image

The most important thing is that the surgeon has expertise in lap surgery as per the NICE guideline, which requires additional training.

Abbs7664 profile image
Abbs7664 in reply to Lindle

Yep, he's quite specialised and teaches the technique for the RCOG so hopefully I'm in good hands x

AllthatGlitters profile image

That’s great you now have a date.

I took in extra pants, my own sanitary towels as they put a massive one on you after theatre, spare pjs incase I bled through, some sweets mainly for something tasty to eat as I was so sick afterwards. I took mags however I didn’t even touch them. I was in overnight and if you are too don’t take any valuables. You will feel funny all day and all night, kind of a very relaxed feeling and the nurses are constantly in and out to see you so you don’t actually get much time to rest.

Have someone on hand at home to help you up as I struggled with that due to the stomach pain. Basically someone to see to you for a few day’s as you will be so tired.

I hope it goes well!


Abbs7664 profile image
Abbs7664 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thank you so much. I've made my partner take a couple days off as well so I can milk it for all it's worth haha!x

Alixq23 profile image

I found peppermint capsules so much better than the tea... can't recommend them enough! Make sure you have a lot of pillows as you won't be able to like down for a while too sleep!

Also don't do what I did and eat loads egg

we I got home from my surgery! I was starving and woofed down a huge maccies, then it made the wind pain in my shoulders a lot worse!

Abbs7664 profile image
Abbs7664 in reply to Alixq23

I'll have to grab some capsules too, and resist the urge to go for maccies on the way home! Thanks x

Thecraftyadder profile image

I've always found it impossible to sleep flat after a laparoscopy due to the shoulder pain from the gas so my advise is ensure there are extra pillows and cushions on hand in case you need to sleep upright :) And jogging bottoms will be your new best friend! Its worth having some gentle laxatives on hand at home as you may need to help things get moving. Have everything you need on hand near your bed for when you get home- water, pillows, mobile charger, tv remote or tablet to watch stuff. You won't want to be moving around to fetch things.

Abbs7664 profile image
Abbs7664 in reply to Thecraftyadder

Thank you, I'll make sure to build my nest before I go!x

Iwalkthemoon profile image

I have always found my throat and lips very dry after surgery so now take lip balm and sweets to suck to help.

TravelBug83 profile image


Wishing you all the best for surgery in a few days time. I've had 3 laps over the last 18 months, the last one about 4 weeks ago and can recommend:

Peppermint tea after to help with gas (they fill you with air during op) and also help with bowels.

Movicol to get bowels going - don't let yourself get constipated (anaesthetic can do this) as you don't want to strain post op.

Even if you're down as a day case, take an overnight bag just in case.

Take a rolled up towel or small cushion for the journey home to press gently against abdomen when car goes over bumps and to protect you against seat belt.

Make sure you speak to anaesthetist before surgery (they should visit you as you're getting ready) so they know of any drug allergies or intolerances.

Ask to be prescribed an antisickness for after and to take home.

Take pads as you'll probably bleed and have weird discharge after.

Hope some of this helps x

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