Just wondering if anyone else has had an extremely heavy period with lots of clots and then passed a large chunk of what looks like an organ ? Been told it’s part of my womb and it’s been sent off for tests but the cramps are horrific and there is no way I could of been pregnant as sex hasn’t been a thing for a long while due to pain 😂 went to a&e to be told I had another cyst burst hence the worse pain plus I have severe polycystic ovaries and now this 😩 to make matters worse the gyne unit have discharged me as apparently it’s all in my head .... clearly it’s not
Passing tissue: Just wondering if anyone... - Endometriosis UK
Passing tissue

Hi I feel for you as I have heavy periods also. I pass large clots and lots of blood too. It’s not normal but wanted to say you are not alone & others suffer like this too.
Can you go back to your doctor? As horrible as it sounds I took a photo of what came out of me to show the doctor so they were under no illusion that I was talking the truth x
God. I’m so sorry. It’s clearly not in your head. That’s a load of fucking shit.
Hello it could have been a decidual cast.
Clearly it's not in your head. Arr you in the UK? You have a right to a second opinion on the NHS and I think you can choose who you see for this second opinion. I highly recommend researching endometriosis specialist in you area and asking to be referred to them for a second opinion. They do tend to have long wait times but atleast they'll know what they are talking about.
Yeah I’m in the uk but never get anywhere with my doctor
If your gp is useless try another one in the surgery of you still don't get anywhere there will be a practice manager who you can complain to. Also Google the NICE guidelines got diagnosising endometriosis so you are clear on what they should be doing. And if you need to complain to the practice manager you can use it to list what you want to happen next
Hi I had this once at the beginning of having endometriosis pain last year December, started my period it wasnt hurting much but it was heavy, till all of a sudden I felt a big gush went to change my pad again then saw no blood but pink flesh. I checked online and went to a&e and the gynae couldn't tell me what it was. Till I saw a endo specialist and they told me it was decidual cast, the lining of my uterus which has shed out too along with period. it looked scary like a chunk of an alien.
I ended up in the walkin centre who sent it off for tests but she told me I just have heavy periods and I basically need to get a grip she then examined me and decided I had suspected appendicitis’s which I knew it wasn’t she then sent me to a&e who sent me for bloods and an ultrasound where they said no appendicitis’s and I had another cyst burst that’s why it’s horrificly painful but this tissue I passed was massive it wasn’t small and they just said I have to wait till Monday to get the results but they won’t refer me to the gyne unit I have to see what my gp says but they are useless
They are useless, I passed mines on new years eve so they couldn't do much in terms of sending it to the lab. It was massive for me too I called 111 and they said to take it to a&e. But they too didnt take me serious and said its just clots from period when you can clearly see it was a flesh and in a form of a sack. if you google decidual cast you will see some people who have posted theirs and it was exactly what mine looked like very pink and big.