I'm feeling extremely frustrated ladies, and just need some advice!
I have stage 4 endometriosis. I had a laparoscopy 4 years ago and was on the progesterone only pill to manage my symptoms. I came off the pill last year August and my cycles became regular again after October. Since then my husband and I have been been ttc with no success. I had an apt with my OBGYN last week and he's recommended me for a HSG test, which is fine as it would be good to know if my tubes are blocked. However, my follow up apt for results is in Feb, which is almost 5 months away!!! I wanted to know whether I could see my OB privately to get my results?
Also, how do I get them to consider another laparoscopy before they put me on the IVF waitlist? I feel like my endo symptoms are back and the pain I used to feel during my period is back. The biggest frustration is how long they make us wait for everything. I had a scan in March and my follow up apt for that was last week in October. It's crazy that we have to wait so long for things. The next step is for me to have a scan should be tubes not be blocked to check to see if a cyst they saw in March has grown!?! and again I won't know this till Feb.
Have any of you had experience with this or any advice would be appreciated!