Recurring UTI: Good afternoon ladies , I... - Endometriosis UK

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Recurring UTI

Lucy_x profile image
10 Replies

Good afternoon ladies ,

I keep getting recurring UTIs and it’s really starting to get me down. I was just wondering if you have any similar experiences ?


Lucy xx

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Lucy_x profile image
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10 Replies
LH38 profile image

Hi Lucy, Yes I have had recurring UTIs since 2008. Really horrible and I am so sorry you are going through it.

I was told to self medicate every time I got an infection with Amoxicillin. I was referred to a urologist and after an embarrassing camera procedure confirmed I had Bilateral Ureterocoele. Self medicating worked until I became immune to Amoxicillin in 2018. Back to urology. Confirmed I now need regular scans of my kidneys. I can not self medicate as it builds an immunity. I now drink apple cider vinegar before bed and so far I still get the odd infection but no where near as many as I used to get. I also have my handy lemon barley cordial and cranberry on stand by. Knowing I will be seeing a urologist regularly is helpful, not so scary and desperate as before.

Don't let it get you down.x

Lucy_x profile image
Lucy_x in reply to LH38

Hi Thankyou so much for replying ! I feel such a nuisance because I struggle taking tablets so they have to prescribe me liquid and the doctors make me feel so stupid!

I’m being referred to a different gynaecology department and they are asking me to keep a bladder diary so hopefully some good comes from that! Xx

LH38 profile image
LH38 in reply to Lucy_x

No worries, sad but comfort to know others in the same boat. I hate going to the Drs too but I'm reminded that we pay their wages and that is their job to see us.

Hopefully they will help you, failing that urology department? They ask for intake and outtake diary so know how much urine your retaining. Just don't use your handy kitchen jug?!

I will take anything as to having an infection. Take care!x

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to LH38

I've found apple cider vinegar definitely helps. There's now the worlds first ACV gummies, check out Goli Nutrition. I'm not keen on the vinegar taste of ACV but I love the gummies; there's no horrible taste, and they're natural, obvs check the sugar as they're still nutritional supplements. I like their company ethos of helping developing companies with nutrition.

kate24601 profile image

Hi, I had a recurring uti every month from November last year til August this year. Tried every antibiotic, kidney scans, all the cranberry juice in the world and nothing shifted any of them. Left my job unexpectedly and started at a place that I enjoy more and havent (touch wood) had a uti since!

I think i was so run down from the stress of a job I hated and my immune system never catching a break that it was just solidly one after another, havent changed anything about my lifestyle other than my job (was told to drink 2 liters a day but I struggle with 1).

I know how insanely annoying it is when people are like 'I meditated and did yoga and my problems solved themselves sweetie yadda yadda' but I think theres a lot that plays into our health that we dont realise! Could be worth cutting certain foods out or things that you notice are common around the time you get a uti, as well as minimising stress where possible and seeing if you find any patterns or anything that helps. Wish you all the luck!!

thecheshirecat profile image

Sorry to hear you're experiencing this, it's horrible, I get them constantly, I find taking a cranberry capsule every day seems to help reduce the amount I get.

I've just had a laparoscopy and they found & removed endo on my bladder so I'm really hoping that might make a difference to the amount of uti's I get...

Jemma97 profile image

Hey I get them all the time too! They’re so uncomfortable and it’s annoying having to go to the doctors every time! I’m waiting in being reffered to the urology clinic soon so hopefully we can get somewhere because it’s awful!x

StefaniaJW profile image

Are you sure they are UTIs (meaning you get a bacterial culture done EACH TIME and it always comes back positive)? Because if it's not, it could be interstitial cystitis or bladder/urether endo

Anastasia17 profile image

Hi, I have had repeated cystitis for 7 years before I was finally referred to a Gynae Consultant for gynae problems who, straight away said they were interstitial cystitis, i.e the results coming back from the lab were negative to the point that lab replied that it was obvious there were no infections. Despite the lab comments and results, still the GP kept treating me with antibiotics. To the point that I had secondary infection that I had to treat, and my husband. But the GP didn't care. After arguing with the GPs following 3 cystitis in 3 months this year for requesting a cystoscopy, I was finally referred for a cystoscopy. I ended up having 2 within 6 weeks as the first one performed under local anaesthetic revealed some red patches, so another one was performed under general anaesthetic. I was fine, no pain afterward, the one stop urology Clinic was very good. I took cranberry juice for years but I find that it aggravates the symptoms . Instead At the very first signs, I take some sachets that contain sodium citrate bought in high streets shops like Boots and that has been my saviour to stop the pain and I drink lots of water. I am careful with my diet. I am caffeine free as this is one of the culprits, also tomato puree, anything acidic I avoid. Also, lady physio can help. It's a case of finding what works for you. Take care. :)

Leetvip_gamer profile image

Yes kinda have, I had a UTI and I didn’t know till the doctors did a pee test again, it started with abdominal pain a vomiting and it was miserable and I have to go to the emergency room and they couldn’t figure anything out at first the after and few week the pain was worse till finally I went to the doctors again and they said it was UTI and the medicine helps a lot, if e doctors couldn’t figure it out in a good time I would have a kidney failure and I’m glad it went away before I went to school

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