Hi, so pleased I have found this online community. I’m hoping for some advice. I had laparoscopic surgery to treat Endo back in 2014. I have now began to have symptoms again. I am aware that it does grow back and there is no cure but I just wondered if anyone else has been in my position. Is 4 years too soon for it to come back? Surely the surgery should prevent it for longer then 4 years. Any advice?
Recurring endometriosis : Hi, so pleased I... - Endometriosis UK
Recurring endometriosis

I had a lap in January this year and already feel like it has come back my periods were still as heavy straight after the lap to be honest but the painful symptoms were a lot easier but they have returned already!
Have you been doing anything in the last 4 years or having any other treatment etc?
Hi, no not had any other treatment. After the surgery I was so much better. Periods with minor cramps and not has heavy. So I was really pleased. I couldn’t believe I had suffered so long when a simple op could have made things so much better for me. I will have to go to the docs again and ask them to refer me again. I just wasn’t sure about the rate at which it comes back- I don’t want them to urn me away saying that it’s too soon. I really am suffering at the mo so I would do anything to have this again. How are you doing? How do you manage it?
Ah sorry to hear you are suffering it’s awful isn’t it. I very much doubt they would turn you away and would definitely recommend returning to see your GP/Gynaecologist.
Since having my Lap I have tried to manage it naturally through good diet/low hormone diet. Eliminated wheat etc (after doing some research about healing through nutrition) I had a bad few weeks not so long ago though and I am not sure if the Endo had returned anyway or me temporarily returning to a bad diet has kicked the painful symptoms off...I just don’t know.
Currently I am having Prostap injections which stop the production of eastrogen (early menopause) but I am feeling absolutely awful with lots of side effects so I very much doubt I will carry on.
I am currently researching natural/holistic therapies to try and help as I am at a bit of a loss at the moment
I hope you get the help you need when you return to your GP...good luck x
I know that eating brussel sprouts and kale reduces production of oestrogen - due to its high levels of aromatase inhibitors. I like to think that there is always something somewhere in nature that can replace a drug with nasty side effects. Cutting out coffee also reduces oestrogen dominance - I've found that particularly effective.
Wow - I think you are doing very well if it has taken 4 years to come back. I know sufferers who barely get 4 months respite from it. I think the average is about a year.