Hi there, its my second post in here. As im not fully diagnosed yet. I will be having appoitment in private gyne soon. Also GP sugessted to do colonoscopy and gastro confirmed this today. Im having strong sharp pain in my bowel, after toilet, also see like liquid ..after toilet, and sometimes its hard to sit down. I know that sometimes endo can be on bowel but I Heard very scary stories about colonoscopy. I had laparoscopy and they found only 3 little spots of endo. They discharged me and that's it. Can any of you have experience with colonoscopy? nurse said that it will be without anastetic and one day before i can't eat anything just liquid and toilet. I think that im quite sensitive to pain - for example this little spots .. and I fell like dying can't stand in work any experience I will be grateful💛
Colonoscopy-diagnosis : Hi there, its my... - Endometriosis UK
Have you had an MRI yet? Was your laparoscopy done by one of the specialists on the BSGE list? bsge.org/centre
Normal gynaes often miss endo especially if it is sticking the bowel to the abdominal wall, or it it is between the rectum and vagina. If you're going to see a private gyne make sure they are on that list.
I had stage 4 endo, bowel stuck to abdominal wall, endo constricting my sigmoid colon (the bit that is hardest for the camera to get around) and they didn't find "anything wrong" with the colonoscopy, it was also incredibly painful due to the endo not allowing the bowel to move like it should.
At the very least, I would insist on an MRI first to see if endo is affecting the bowel before consenting to a colonoscopy.
As NW248 said normal gynaecologist often miss endo if it’s on a tricky place . U need to go to bsge Center .
I had colonoscopy but there was nothing visible. Until they had an investigative laparoscopy that us where hey found all d endo . So the best way to diagnose endo is laparoscopy
Thanks for response 💛
I had laparoscopy - director of gynaecologist in hospital done it and I had photos for myself and 3 little spots was found under my left ovary- that's it. They discharged me as: " no active endo found " I'm going to private gyne soon and he is bgse, maybye I should ask about this MRI? I had normal scans before and nothing found I worry that if I decide to do this colonoscopy also they don't find nothing and I will be in pain and stressed like hell I had also colposcopy to check bladder and nothing found so I'm thinking that maybye is no point doing this colonoscopy maybye it's just 3 little spots and in sensitive to pain? I read an my gp said that amount of endo is no related to amount of pain - sometimes is small endo and big pain... I also consider birth control pills but I'm scared